[Solved] C# help declaring variable i initialize it to

Yes, the output is correct: // This line increments the variable then prints its value. Console.WriteLine(“{0}”, ++ Cash); // This prints the value of the (incremented variable) Console.WriteLine(“{0}”, Cash); // The prints the value of the variable *then* increments its value Console.WriteLine(“{0}”, Cash ++); 1 solved C# help declaring variable i initialize it to

[Solved] Why can’t we declare a local variable inside of function parentheses, in JavaScript?

In a comment you’ve clarified: I know [it isn’t allowed] but I just wondered why isn’t it allowed Because until ES2015 it would have been completely redundant and pointless; just having minLength there is sufficient declaration, since JavaScript’s variables and parameters are not typed. Moreover, var would have been misleading, as minLength isn’t a variable, … Read more

[Solved] What is the difference between char *exp=”a+b” and char exp[]=”a+b”? Are they stored the same way in memory or they differ?

What is the difference between char *exp=”a+b” and char exp[]=”a+b”? Are they stored the same way in memory or they differ? solved What is the difference between char *exp=”a+b” and char exp[]=”a+b”? Are they stored the same way in memory or they differ?

[Solved] declaring and assigning variable [closed]

Instead of writing the following which id not valid Java, Paraula tipo1; tipo1 = { Paraula.lletres[0] = ‘t’; Paraula.lletres[1]=’1′; Paraula.llargaria = 2; perhaps you intended to write Paraula tipo1 = new Paraula(); tipo1.lletres[0] = ‘t’; tipo1.lletres[1]=’1′; tipo1.llargaria = 2; However a much cleaner way to do this is to pass a String to the constructor … Read more

[Solved] Can I change the datatype of previously declared variable in C?

Since the pointer returned by malloc() is sufficiently well aligned to be used as a pointer to any type, you could (but probably shouldn’t) use: assert(sizeof(float) <= 10); void *data = malloc(10); char *str = data; strcpy(str, “123.4”); float *vp = data; *vp = strtof(str, NULL); …use *vp… free(data); And now you can use *vp … Read more

[Solved] Declare variables inside loops the right way?

As mentioned by πάντα ῥεῖ in the comments, you can’t create new variable names dynamically at runtime in C++. All variable names must be known at compile-time. What you need to do here is use array indices instead. For example, change somedata and Do to std::vectors. Something like this: std::vector<bool> Do(5); // contains 5 bools, … Read more

[Solved] Is this a constructor (C++)

The class has only one constructor Test (int x = 0, int y = 0) { this->x = x; this->y = y; } that is the default constructor because it can be called withoit arguments.. The constructor name is the same as the class.name. So these Test setX(int a) { x = a; return *this; … Read more

[Solved] Why doesn’t `bar` in this code have static storage duration?

You are confusing the scope of a variable with the storage duration. As mentioned in the C11 standard, chapter §6.2.1, Scopes of identifiers, for file scope […] If the declarator or type specifier that declares the identifier appears outside of any block or list of parameters, the identifier has file scope, which terminates at the … Read more