[Solved] Copy Constructor Issue C++: “0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x00000000.”

you are passing reference to orig. you should use ‘orig.bigIntVector’ BigInt::BigInt(BigInt const& orig) : isPositive(orig.isPositive) , base(orig.base) , skip(orig.skip) { this->bigIntVector = new BigIntVector(*(orig.bigIntVector)); } should use *(orig.bigIntVector) 10 solved Copy Constructor Issue C++: “0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x00000000.”

[Solved] C# – Unable to declare a private variable in constructor

However, I still don’t understand why I’m unable to declare and initialize a private variable inside the constructor while declaring the variable without a public/private modifier works just fine. This is just the way the C# spec is written. Class-level instance variables (public or private) cannot be declared inside class methods or constructors. Check out … Read more

[Solved] How can we assign variable values to a overload constructor separately(not at Initialization) in Cpp?

You should not attempt to call constructors or destructors explicitly. Assign a new value to the object in the array, like you would with ints or anything else: st[i] = Student(Name_i, id_i); And remove st[i].~Student(); 0 solved How can we assign variable values to a overload constructor separately(not at Initialization) in Cpp?

[Solved] Need help and a concise explanation for updating an existing constructor in C#

Modify the constructor by adding one extra parameter dateOfBirth. Use this parameter to initialize your property DateOfBirth. This way, the Person can never be instantiated without a valid value for DateOfBirth. public Person(string firstName, string lastName, DateTime dateOfBirth) { FirstName = firstName; LastName = lastName; DateOfBirth = dateOfBirth; } now you can construct it like … Read more

[Solved] If abstract base class contains parameterised constructor (and derived does not) why can’t it be used? [duplicate]

No, you can’t. It’s a limitation that says ‘each derived class should use (implicitly or explicitly) at least one constructor from base class. In your example, your child class implicitly has parameterless constructor which implicitly uses parameterless constructor from base. So, you need to: either setup parameretised constructor in every derived class or delele this … Read more

[Solved] If abstract base class contains parameterised constructor (and derived does not) why can’t it be used? [duplicate]

Introduction Abstract base classes are a powerful tool in object-oriented programming, allowing for the creation of a base class that can be extended by derived classes. However, if an abstract base class contains a parameterized constructor, and the derived class does not, it can be difficult to use the abstract base class. This is because … Read more

[Solved] How to correctly initialize a list member object in Java

The first constructor: public Book(String bookname, String authorName) { mBookName = bookname; mAuthorName = authorName; mPageList = new ArrayList<>(); } Then you will have a new book without any page The second constructor: public Book(String bookname, String authorName, List<Page> pageList) { mBookName = bookname; mAuthorName = authorName; mPageList = pageList; } You will have a … Read more

[Solved] I dont understand error “definition of implicity-declared ‘Clothing::Clothing()’

The error is: you declared a destructor but you didn’t define it. Add a definition for the destructor or define it as default: #ifndef CLOTHING_H_ #define CLOTHING_H_ #include <string> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Clothing { private: int gender; int size; string name; public: Clothing(); Clothing(const Clothing &t); Clothing(int gender, int size, string name); … Read more

[Solved] C++: friend as main in class

Can main function become friend function in C++ ? Yes, it can. The friend declaration in your class A grants function main() the right of accessing the name of its non-public data members (in this case, i): friend int main(); The object obj is default-constructed, and A‘s constructor sets the value of i to 10: … Read more

[Solved] Array Default Constructor [closed]

You can do this: public class IntArrayDemo { private static final int DEFAULT_SIZE = 10; private int [] values; public IntArrayDemo() { this(DEFAULT_SIZE); } public IntArrayDemo(int size) { if (size < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(“size cannot be negative”); this.values = new int[size]; } } solved Array Default Constructor [closed]