[Solved] Why do we need a private constructor at all?

We can’t instantiate more than one object at a time via private constructors. No, we can. A private constructor only avoids instance creation outside the class. Therefore, you are responsible for deciding in which cases a new object should be created. And as expected both the strings are being printed. Did I miss something? You … Read more

[Solved] How to access same method with different objects in java

Simply pass the object of the created ArrayList to the function as paramter. Here’s a short example for printing the ArrayList: Assuming you put the code inside a class, leaving a snippet here. I’ll demonstrate it with Integer examples. static void printArrayList(ArrayList<Integer> a){ for(Integer i:a) System.out.print(i+” “); System.out.println(“”); } //in the main function: public static … Read more

[Solved] Default constructor issue when creating an array Java

The error message tells you exactly what’s wrong. There is no declared variable by the name of array. public class ArrayObjects<E> implements SomeImp<E> { int maxCapacity, actualSize; E[] array; // <- The missing declaration @SuppressWarnings(“unchecked”) // <- Suppress the “unchecked cast” warning public ArrayObjects() { maxCapacity = 10; array = (E[]) new Object[maxCapacity]; } } … Read more

[Solved] C++ Constructor Oder [closed]

You are creating an extra global instance c here: class cls1 { int x; cls xx; public: cls1(int i=0){cout<<” c2 “;x=i;} ~cls1(){cout<<” d2 “;} } c; // <– here That one is created first. Otherwise your expected order is spot-on. 2 solved C++ Constructor Oder [closed]

[Solved] Why destructor is being called but construction not being called when passing object as a parameter? [closed]

Passing an instance of a class by value invokes the copy constructor. The compiler implements the copy constructor by default (essentially a memberwise copy after invoking copy constructors of any base classes) if the class definition does not explicitly supply one. This compiler-generated copy constructor will not call one of the other constructors you have … Read more

[Solved] Java constructor requires argument

Your constructor declaration is wrong. Constructors look like this: public Dog(String name) { this.name = name; } It does not have the void modifier. The constructor declaration in the class MyDog is correct but it is not correct in Dog. 0 solved Java constructor requires argument

[Solved] when passing non member variable data to a constructor how to save them and use then in other member functions ? C++ [closed]

Your two options are 1) Make them member variables 2) Add them as arguments to the print() function, as shown below, then call print within the constructor (if that is the intention) void CPOI::print(string name, double latitude , double longitude) If you pass them to the constructor, but they are not stored in member variables, … Read more