[Solved] What does the statement Object[][] data = new Object [][] mean?

In this statement Object[][] data = new Object[sheet.getLastRowNum()][sheet.getRow(0).getLastCellNum()]; It is creating an array of references to arrays of references to Objects. The first array is for rows and the leaf arrays are for column values. In reality, only String objects are added so I would write it like this. int rows = sheet.getLastRowNum(); int columns … Read more

[Solved] how to insert Json object in database [closed]

Example of database connection : //ENTER YOUR DATABASE CONNECTION INFO BELOW: $hostname=”localhost”; $database=”dbname”; $username=”username”; $password=”password”; //DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE $link = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password); mysql_select_db($database) or die(‘Could not select database’); Exemple of INSERT array in database : $json = file_get_contents(‘php://input’); $obj = json_decode($json,true); //Database Connection require_once ‘db.php’; /* insert data into DB */ … Read more

[Solved] Why is it giving me the error “method ArrayList.add(String) is not applicable”?

Problem: ArrayList<String> means you want an array-backed list that can hold String objects. This restricts the add method to only accept strings. The mistake you are making is that you are passing other non-String objects into the add method. Bad Answer 1: The easy way out is to change it to ArrayList<Object>, but this defeats … Read more

[Solved] Split a string using white space java [duplicate]

The trivial answer is to split the string: String[] fragments = theString.split(” “, 6); Given that the fragments have specific meanings (and presumably you want some of them as non-string types), it might be more readable to use a Scanner: Scanner sc = new Scanner(theString); int x = sc.nextInt(); int y = sc.nextInt(); int width … Read more

[Solved] How do I properly test the char[ ] fields in my custom object for nulls, blanks, or empty? and Why do char[ ] indicate a length of 11?

String.valueOf().length() returns 11 because that is the number of digits/characters in the output (i.e. [@936016386 – an address – has 11 characters) solved How do I properly test the char[ ] fields in my custom object for nulls, blanks, or empty? and Why do char[ ] indicate a length of 11?

[Solved] Poem (random words) generator: How can I get each paragraph to display a different set of random words? [closed]

Right now you generate any word type just once. Just generate the randoms before any phase function makeAPoem() { var nouns = [“cat”, “crow”, “snow”, “home”, “boy”, “raven”, “tree”, “moon”, “night”, “day”, “winter”, “heart”, “angel”, “madam”, “darkness”, “chamber”, “lady”, “bird”, “person”, “eye”, “darkness”, “air”]; var verbs = [“ran”, “felt”, “fell”, “focused”, “looked”, “stared”, “sat”, “sighed”, … Read more

[Solved] Assign values to array javascript

Because you are initializing an array you could use the Array.from syntax. This would allow you to declare and initialize your array on the same line. const value = 300000; const yaxispoints = value / 10; const array1= Array.from({length: 11}, (v,i) => i * yaxispoints); array1.forEach(v => console.log(v)); solved Assign values to array javascript

[Solved] Reading Multiple lines(different lengths) from file in c

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> typedef int Type; typedef struct vector { size_t size; size_t capacity; Type *array; } Vector; Vector *vec_make(void){ Vector *v = malloc(sizeof(*v)); if(v){ v->size = 0; v->capacity=16; v->array = malloc(v->capacity * sizeof(Type)); } return v; } void vec_free(Vector *v){ free(v->array); free(v); } void vec_add(Vector *v, Type value){ v->array[v->size++] = value; … Read more