[Solved] Solitaire game design [closed]

You need a representation of a card which will hold the card’s value and suit. You will also need a data structure to represent a “stack” of cards. From there, building the GUI shouldn’t be that challenging. This is a very easy project, and you seem to have the right idea. 1 solved Solitaire game … Read more

[Solved] C++ : Mini Project on Cryptography

There is a quite simple answer to how to encrypt files. This script uses the XOR encryption to encrypt files. Encrypt the file a second time to decrypt it. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; void encrypt (string &key,string &data){ float percent; for (int i = 0;i < data.size();i++){ percent = (100*i)/key.size(); … Read more

[Solved] Method must declare a body?

The error message tells you exactly what’s wrong: ‘StringedMusInsApp.Guitarra.Main(string[])’ must declare a body because it is not marked abstract, extern, or partial. Look at your method declaration for Main(string[]): public static void Main (string[] args); There’s no method body. But since it’s not an abstract, extern, or partial method, it requires a method body. Define … Read more

[Solved] can we move project from Angular to Umbraco

It is perfectly possible to use Umbraco as a CMS for your application. Create API end points to give you the data you want your web application to consume. – have a look at: http://www.jondjones.com/learn-umbraco-cms/umbraco-developers-guide/umbraco-web-api/how-to-create-a-web-api-in-umbraco-in-less-than-5-minutes Then change your Angular application to point to these end points to drive your website. Change something in Umbraco, then … Read more

[Solved] ways to implement a rand/srand? c++

Have you checked those functions in references? They are pretty well described and there are also some examples. You should always start with that before trying to ‘google’ for the answer. http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/random/srand 1 solved ways to implement a rand/srand? c++

[Solved] Why is it giving me the error “method ArrayList.add(String) is not applicable”?

Problem: ArrayList<String> means you want an array-backed list that can hold String objects. This restricts the add method to only accept strings. The mistake you are making is that you are passing other non-String objects into the add method. Bad Answer 1: The easy way out is to change it to ArrayList<Object>, but this defeats … Read more