[Solved] Sum array values of the same product

You can do this using groupBy and map functions of Laravel’s Collection: $collection = new \Illuminate\Support\Collection($array); $group = $collection->groupBy(‘product_id’); $resultArray = $group->map(function($item, $key) { return [ ‘total_size’ => $item->sum(‘comp_size’), ‘product_id’ => $key, ]; }); This will let you expand the code a bit easier in the future. 1 solved Sum array values of the same … Read more

[Solved] Recreate an array so that I get the result as I want

Something like this might work for a start: <?php $Data = array ( array ( ‘country’ => array ( ‘code’ => ‘in’, ‘name’ => ‘India’ ), ‘language’ => array ( ‘code’ => ‘en’, ‘name’ => ‘English’ ) ), array ( ‘country’ => array ( ‘code’ => ‘in’, ‘name’ => ‘India’ ), ‘language’ => array ( … Read more

[Solved] Arrays to objects

Some diversity of approaches (admittedly esoteric, but fun!): function firstAndLast(a, o){ return !(o = {}, o[a.shift()] = a.pop()) || o; } console.log(firstAndLast([1,2,3,4,5])); console.log(firstAndLast([‘a’,’to’,’z’])); https://jsfiddle.net/brtsbLp1/ And, of course: function firstAndLast(a, o){ return !(o = o || {}, o[a.shift()] = a.pop()) || o; } console.log(firstAndLast([‘a’,’to’,’z’])); console.log(firstAndLast([‘a’,’to’,’z’], {a:’nother’,obj:’ect’})); https://jsfiddle.net/brtsbLp1/1/ Another fun one: function firstAndLast(a){ return JSON.parse(‘{“‘+a.shift()+'”:”‘+a.pop()+'”}’); } https://jsfiddle.net/brtsbLp1/2/ … Read more

[Solved] Please help me access nested array

To access the array, you need to use array index. Instead of using @messages_test = options[‘Messages’][‘IBMessageID’].to_s you need to use, to access to first element the arrayoptions[‘Messages’] array, below code @messages_test = options[‘Messages’][0][‘IBMessageID’].to_s You can iterate the array, if you wish, by using options[‘Messages’] each do |item| puts item[“IBMessageID”] # for illustration end 1 solved … Read more

[Solved] add a bigInteger value to a 2d array

For those with a maths background it is a surprising feature that System.out.println(“=” + (-3 % 4)); for example, returns -3 instead of 1 (which would be in the range [0,3]); Edit: in other words, the error message error message: Exception in thread “main” java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -8 is ultimately caused by (n % m) can return … Read more

[Solved] Python: How to store for loop result in a list? [duplicate]

Well the loop seems to be this one (at the end of the code): for i,j in itertools.combinations([a,b,c],2): all_diffs=alldiffs(i,j) total=count_total(i,j) zero=count_zero(all_diffs) total=np.array(total) union=map(sub,total,zero) zero=np.array(zero).tolist() union=np.array(union).tolist() union=[list(x) for x in union] sim=[[float(aaa) / bbb for (aaa, bbb) in itertools.izip(aa, bb)] \ for (aa, bb) in itertools.izip(zero, union)] sim_comb=sum(sim,[]) sum_of_sim=sum(sim_comb) number_sum=len(sim_comb) ave=sum_of_sim/number_sum one_ave=1-ave print one_ave One possible … Read more

[Solved] How can I check array count changes in Swift [closed]

Property observers observe and respond to changes in a property’s value. Property observers are called every time a property’s value is set, even if the new value is the same as the property’s current value. You have the option to define either or both of these observers on a property: willSet is called just before … Read more

[Solved] complex array merge using nested loop

As discussed in chat, here is a javascript example that builds what you asked for: var tabs = [{“uId”:”2″,”tabId”:1,”tabName”:”Main”,”points”:”10″,”active”:”true”},{“uId”:”3″,”tabId”:2,”tabName”:”Photography”,”points”:”20″,”active”:””}]; var tasks = [{“taskId”:3,”taskName”:”Sing Sing Gem”,”priorty”:3,”date”:”2014-04-25″,”done”:0,”tabId”:1,”uId”:”2″},{“taskId”:4,”taskName”:”Shooting”,”priorty”:4,”date”:”2014-04-25″,”done”:0,”tabId”:2,”uId”:”3″}]; var uidSet = {}; var UIDSortFunction = function(a,b){ uidSet[a.uId] = 1; uidSet[b.uId] = 1; return a.uId – b.uId; }; tabs.sort(UIDSortFunction); tasks.sort(UIDSortFunction); var endResult = []; var i, j, tabsLen = … Read more

[Solved] arranging numbers in ascending order [closed]

This is quite basic program called selection sort. The wiki article is: Selection sort. Basically in this program, i is first pointing to the first element in the array. Then, j points to the next element. If, the element j is smaller than element i, they get swapped. After swapping, the inner for loop still … Read more

[Solved] How can we assign variable values to a overload constructor separately(not at Initialization) in Cpp?

You should not attempt to call constructors or destructors explicitly. Assign a new value to the object in the array, like you would with ints or anything else: st[i] = Student(Name_i, id_i); And remove st[i].~Student(); 0 solved How can we assign variable values to a overload constructor separately(not at Initialization) in Cpp?