[Solved] Create a Array from HashMap in Java

Try this HashMap<String, String> param = new HashMap<String, String>(); param.put(“A”, “2”); param.put(“B”, “3”); param.put(“C”, “2”); String[] list = new String[7];// It is better to use List other than an array int i = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : param.entrySet()) { int lim=Integer.parseInt(entry.getValue()); for(int j=0;j<lim;j++){ list[i]=entry.getKey()+” “+String.valueOf(j+1); i++; } } If you really want to … Read more

[Solved] Convert JSON object containing objects into an array of objects

This can be done for instance with two imbricated .forEach(): var obj = { “name”: { 0: ‘name0’, 1: ‘name1’, 2: ‘name2’ }, “xcoord”: { 0: ‘xcoord0’, 1: ‘xcoord1’, 2: ‘xcoord2’ }, “ycoord”: { 0: ‘ycoord0’, 1: ‘ycoord1’, 2: ‘ycoord2’ } }; var res = []; Object.keys(obj).forEach(k => { Object.keys(obj[k]).forEach(v => { (res[v] = (res[v] … Read more

[Solved] POST array in php not showing all the elements [closed]

max_input_vars integer How many input variables may be accepted (limit is applied to $_GET, $_POST and $_COOKIE superglobal separately). Use of this directive mitigates the possibility of denial of service attacks which use hash collisions. If there are more input variables than specified by this directive, an E_WARNING is issued, and further input variables are … Read more

[Solved] Using Brute Force to generate all possible combination of binary numbers as array? [closed]

First of all, you need to provide a minimal reproducible example of your code. You can check here: https://stackoverflow.com/help/minimal-reproducible-example In regards to your question, using three loops can be a solution: import java.util.ArrayList; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { var combinations = new ArrayList<int[]>(); for (int i = 0; i < … Read more

[Solved] Retrieve numbers before/after sign change in [Double]

([60, 21, -18, -57, -95, -67, -29, 8, 45, 82] as [Double]) .consecutivePairs .filter { $0.sign != $1.sign } public extension Sequence { /// Each element of the sequence, paired with the element after. var consecutivePairs: Zip2Sequence<Self, DropFirstSequence<Self>> { zip(self, dropFirst()) } } solved Retrieve numbers before/after sign change in [Double]

[Solved] Is return *array; valid? [closed]

Yes and no. Yes, because it is the way you should return it. No, because you should (and have to) use new[] operator (or malloc function). So basically you should write: int* function(int n){ int i = 0; int *array = new int[n]; // or c-style malloc(n*sizeof(int)) for(i = 0; i<=n ; i++){ array[i] = … Read more

[Solved] Algorithm for all subsets of Array

You can build a backtracking based solution to formulate all the possible sub-sequence for the given array. Sharing an ideone link for the same: https://ideone.com/V0gCDX all = [] def gen(A, idx = 0, cur = []): if idx >= len(A): if len(cur): all.append(cur) return gen(A, idx + 1, list(cur)) incl = list(cur) incl.append(A[idx]) gen(A, idx … Read more

[Solved] A function that returns the number of even numbers of an array

One actually does never want to mix computation logic with whatever kind of output code. In addition one could make use of Array.prototype.filter and a precise filter condition which does target odd and/or even number values … something similar to the next provided example code … function getEvenCount(list) { return list.filter(item => (typeof item === … Read more

[Solved] Convert PHP Associate Array [closed]

You can do this by encoding the array in JSON format. Here’s the sample code for your better understanding: <?php $names = array( array( “foo”=> “bar”, ), array( “foo”=> “bar”, ), array( “foo”=> “bar”, ), ); $namesJSON = json_encode($names); echo “<pre>”; echo $namesJSON; echo “</pre>”; ?> This will output the JSON array which is required. … Read more