[Solved] Need help to add a link to this javascript [closed]

Your question is completely unclear but assuming your situation, you might be wanting something similar to this. You said they are already showing up in your page and you want them to appear as links var users = [ ‘<a href=”#2016″>2016</a>’, ‘<a href=”#2015″>2015</a>’, ‘<a href=”#2014″>2014</a>’, ‘<a href=”#”>#</a>’, ‘#’, ‘#’, ‘#’, ‘#’ ]; 1 solved Need … Read more

[Solved] What is an array, what is the difference between array and objects and when and why use an array? [closed]

An array is a series of values with no defining keys: [‘one’, ‘two’, ‘three’] An object uses keys which have values which can be anything within the scope of the language. eg: boolean, integer, string, object, array or event functions: { one: { two: ‘three’ }, four: [‘five’, ‘six’], seven: ‘eight’, nine: 10, eleven: function … Read more

[Solved] Create a new javascript object with only selected attributes from another existing object

JSFIDDLE DEMO code: var json = { “test”: [ { “a”: “val_a1”, “b”: “val_b1”, “c”: “val_c1”, “d”: “val_d1” }, { “a”: “val_a2”, “b”: “val_b2”, “c”: “val_c2”, “d”: “val_d2” }, { “a”: “val_a3”, “b”: “val_b3”, “c”: “val_c3”, “d”: “val_d3” } ] }; var new_json = {test:{}}; $(document).ready(function(){ $.each(json.test, function(key, value){ //console.log(“key = “+key); //console.log(“value = “); … Read more

[Solved] Array of objects containing objects to flat object array

this should work: const all = [ { “a”: “Content A”, “b”: { “1”: “Content 1”, “2”: “Content 2” } }, { “y”: “Content Y”, “x”: { “3”: “Content 3”, “4”: “Content 4” } }, ]; console.log(all.reduce((prev, el) =>{ let curr = Object.entries(el); let k1 = curr[0][0]; let k2 = curr[1][0]; Object.entries(curr[1][1]).forEach((o => { let … Read more

[Solved] Merging objects by property, accumulating another property in node

var sales = [ { order_id: 138, price: 25, }, { order_id: 138, price: 30, }, { order_id: 139, price: 15, }, { order_id: 131, price: 25, }, ]; var buf = {} sales.map(obj => { if(buf[obj.order_id]) { buf[obj.order_id].price += obj.price } else { buf[obj.order_id] = obj } }) var result = Object.values(buf) console.log(result) 1 … Read more

[Solved] need help to update the values in an object

It looks like you’ve overcomplicated the problem. It can be as simple as function updateObj(obj,keyName,val) { obj[keyName] = val; return obj; } const bag = { color: ‘yellow’, hasMoney: false } console.log(updateObj(bag, ‘color’, ‘Blue’)); // => { color: ‘Blue’, hasMoney: false } const house = { sqFt: 1500, isOccupied: true } console.log(updateObj(house, ‘sqFt’, 2000)); // … Read more

[Solved] Javascript: Create new arrays from a url of object of arrays

You can simply get the data by key: data.performance.fundBtcArr ,data.performance.fundUsdArr,data.performance.btcUsdArr var data={“performance”: {“datesArr”: [“2018-04-30”, “2018-05-07”, “2018-05-14”, “2018-05-21”, “2018-05-28”, “2018-06-04”, “2018-06-11”, “2018-06-18”, “2018-06-25”, “2018-07-02”, “2018-07-09”], “fundBtcArr”: [1, 0.956157566, 0.988963214, 0.992333066, 1.118842298, 1.064376568, 1.109733638, 1.082080679, 1.142624866, 1.1107828743809005, 1.0626307952408292], “fundUsdArr”: [1, 0.974710531, 0.944055086, 0.903073518, 0.869041365, 0.870284702, 0.815468401, 0.789070479, 0.777083258, 0.8027552300742684, 0.7766297878480255], “btcUsdArr”: [1, 1.019403669, 0.954590699, 0.910050818, 0.77673267, 0.81764737, … Read more

[Solved] Convert JSON object containing objects into an array of objects

This can be done for instance with two imbricated .forEach(): var obj = { “name”: { 0: ‘name0’, 1: ‘name1’, 2: ‘name2’ }, “xcoord”: { 0: ‘xcoord0’, 1: ‘xcoord1’, 2: ‘xcoord2’ }, “ycoord”: { 0: ‘ycoord0’, 1: ‘ycoord1’, 2: ‘ycoord2’ } }; var res = []; Object.keys(obj).forEach(k => { Object.keys(obj[k]).forEach(v => { (res[v] = (res[v] … Read more

[Solved] How to match values between two objects and create new with specific values

You could use this recursive, pure JavaScript function: The snippet below applies this function to the example data you provided and returns the required result: function extract(data, select, curpath) { var result = {}; // Part of the path that has been traversed to get to data: curpath = curpath || ”; if (typeof data … Read more

[Solved] Access array of object elements in order from object field? [duplicate]

Hello you have to sort your object. Just use .sort of the array for that. Here is a sample: var obj = { “foo”: “bar”, “baz”: [ { “order”: 2, “fruit”: “banana” }, { “order”: 1, “fruit”: “apple” }, { “order”: 3, “fruit”: “peach” }, ] } // get property var arr = obj[“baz”]; // … Read more

[Solved] Javascript accessing nested properties of an object literal

The line el.setAttribute(key, [key]); tries to set the attribute to an array containing the key as its only entry (and thus will set href to “href” since the array will get coerced to string). You probably meant el.setAttribute(key, obj.att[key]); // ——————^^^^^^^ Live Example: function hoistNav() { const nav = []; nav[0] = {text: ‘HOME’, att: … Read more