[Solved] TFS to VisualStudio Online Migration – Access to directory is denied

The error indicates that the utility does not have ability to write at location at :\Program Files\OpsHub Visual Studio Online Migration Utility\TFS_Temp which is used by the utility for temp work space. (It is aliased to O drive). Please check to make sure that this location is writeable. 1 solved TFS to VisualStudio Online Migration … Read more

[Solved] How can i change select tag option into button group?

Button groups in bootstrap are a way to display buttons consecutively. In jQuery, iterate over all of the options, and for each of them insert a button element into a button group. At the end, magically remove the select tag. $(“#convert”).on(“click”, function() { var btnGroup = “<div class=”btn-group”></div>”; $(“body”).append(btnGroup); $(“option”).each(function() { $(“.btn-group”).after(“<button>” + $(this).html() + … Read more

[Solved] Fatal Error in Android program

Just replace: android:name=”com.crud.crupappone.CrudActivity” to android:name=”com.crud.crudappone.CrudActivity” in your manifest file inside activity tag, and then see the magic. 5 solved Fatal Error in Android program

[Solved] Transpose N rows to one column in Google Sheets – Script Editor

function rowstocolumn() { const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive(); const sh = ss.getSheetByName(‘Sheet2’); const osh = ss.getSheetByName(‘Sheet3’); const vs = sh.getRange(2,1,sh.getLastRow()-1,sh.getLastColumn()).getValues(); let col = []; vs.forEach(r => { r.forEach(c => col.push([c])) }); osh.clearContents(); osh.getRange(1,1,col.length,col[0].length).setValues(col); } 2 solved Transpose N rows to one column in Google Sheets – Script Editor

[Solved] How to create makefile

Why not try something like this: CC=g++ CFLAGS=-c -Wall LDFLAGS= SOURCES= p4KyuCho.cpp Stack.cpp OBJECTS=$(SOURCES:.cpp=.o) EXECUTABLE=hello all: $(SOURCES) $(EXECUTABLE) $(EXECUTABLE): $(OBJECTS) *TAB* $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) -o $@ .cpp.o: *TAB* $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ From: http://mrbook.org/tutorials/make/ SPACING/TABBING IS VERY, I REPEAT, VERY IMPORTANT IN MAKEFILES. read up on that. solved How to create makefile

[Solved] Split a string between special characters [closed]

Use a regular expression with a capture group and RegEx.exec() to extract any substrings between three apostrophes. The pattern uses lazy matching (.*?) to match any sequence of characters (including none) between the apostrophes. const str = ” My random text ”’tag1”’ ”’tag2”’ “; re = /”'(.*?)”’/g; matches = []; while (match = re.exec(str)) { … Read more

[Solved] data[tail_++ %maxsize] meaning and order

The value of the expression tail_++ is tail_. The fact that ++ increments the value of the variable tail_ is a separate issue. The value of the expression is tail_. Therefore the value of tail_++ % maxsize is the same as tail_ % maxsize. Just be aware that after this code executes, the value of … Read more

[Solved] how can select all columns and one of them without rebeating [closed]

If you want to list the employees and the name of each employee’s department manager, you will need to join the Employee table twice. One way to do this is: Select Employees.* , Departments.* , Managers.EmployeeName as ManagerName From Employees Inner Join Departments on departments.DeptID = employees.DeptID Inner Join Employees managers on managers.EmpId = departments.ManagerID … Read more

[Solved] why using sizeof in malloc?

sizeof doesn’t return the size of the memory block that was allocated (C does NOT have a standard way to get that information); it returns the size of the operand based on the operand’s type. Since your pointer is of type struct A*, the sizeof operand is of type struct A, so sizeof always returns … Read more

[Solved] What is the simplest way to setup a basic logger in python?

Ok, I just made a basic logging configuration module: import logging from logging import info, warning, debug, error logging.basicConfig(format=”%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s”, level=logging.INFO) That’s not much, but now you can just: import basic_logging as log log.info(“hello”) Which outputs useful information by default. This is as simple as it gets, but it uses a real logger, which … Read more

[Solved] mysql return date by top position

Consider the following… DROP TABLE IF EXISTS my_table; CREATE TABLE my_table (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY ,userid INT NOT NULL ,date DATE NOT NULL ,score INT NOT NULL ,UNIQUE(userid,date) ); INSERT INTO my_table (userid,date,score) VALUES (1,’2017-09-30′,1), (1,’2017-10-01′,1), (2,’2017-10-01′,2), (1,’2017-10-02′,2), (2,’2017-10-02′,2), (3,’2017-10-02′,1); SELECT x.* , COUNT(DISTINCT y.score) rank FROM my_table x JOIN my_table y … Read more