[Solved] Migrating from On Premisis Source Control to Cloud

To move all your branches and history from 1 repository to another: Create an empty repository in your Azure DevOps project Clone your current repository (from TFS) using git clone –mirror $URL Add a new remote pointing to your Azure DevOps repository Push to the new remote How the current man-page explains –mirror: Compared to … Read more

[Solved] pass value to custom field in azure board task, user story etc

There is no custom endpoint for populating fields, they are part of the workitem endpoint on _apis/wit/workitems and can be passad along in the POST request when creating a workitem or updated through PATCH request Update the value of a field on an existing item If you want to update a field on an existing … Read more

[Solved] TFS to VisualStudio Online Migration – Access to directory is denied

The error indicates that the utility does not have ability to write at location at :\Program Files\OpsHub Visual Studio Online Migration Utility\TFS_Temp which is used by the utility for temp work space. (It is aliased to O drive). Please check to make sure that this location is writeable. 1 solved TFS to VisualStudio Online Migration … Read more