[Solved] Unit Testing with ForEach [closed]

There is probably a lot you could do, but the first thing to do would be to make it more readable. Perhaps something like this: var nullActivities = from p in partnerList from t in p.Tenants let activity = agent.GetShopActivity(t, startDate, endDate) where activity == null select activity; Assert.Empty(nullActivities); Moreover: you may want to think … Read more

[Solved] My program, works but keeps on returning 0

Without looking at the way values are computed, the main issue is that, in your output functions, you are doing integer arithmetic to compute a value that is smaller than 1. For example, in OutputQuizz, (Q1 + Q2 ) / 20 will usually be less than 1. To force the compiler to use floating point, … Read more

[Solved] Jquery object assign to variable return undefined [duplicate]

property_object_parse is a real JavaScript object, so you can just use the member access syntax to access the value you are interested in directly: console.log(property_object_parse.p1.TextElement[0].size); Note that you cannot use a dynamic property path string like ‘p1.TextElement[0].size’, you would have to compile that in a way. For example, you could instead have an array of … Read more

[Solved] Java – Error in Enhanced for loop

a_row is containing all the rows of the two dimensional array and you are accessing a_row[i] where i value of the row and you have no a_row[3] in your code change like following for(int[] a_row: a){ for(int index=0; index < a_row.length; index++){ a_row[index]+=1; } } for(int[] a_row: a){ for(int i: a_row){ System.out.print(i+”\t”); } System.out.println(“\n”); } … Read more

[Solved] How do I return a double? [closed]

Ok, you basically have it right, but you are not yet multiplying the argument value. So your function should be double functionXYZ (double data) { return data * 10; } The type before the function name determines its ‘return type’ (what type of variables can be expected to be returned by this function). In this … Read more

[Solved] Disable Home Button programmatically for Android 4.4.4 [closed]

I’m pretty sure Toddler Lock just uses a BroadcastReciever and listens for Intent.ACTION_MAIN and the category Intent.CATEGORY_HOME – that’s why when you first launch it, it tells you to check the “use this application as default” box, and makes you select toddler lock. So, it’s not really blocking the Home button at all, it’s just setting itself up as … Read more

[Solved] Why doesn’t the code print out “prime” when i use ‘C =1;’ but when i dont give any values to ‘C ‘ initially it works perfectly fine? [closed]

Why doesn’t the code print out “prime” when i use ‘C =1;’ but when i dont give any values to ‘C ‘ initially it works perfectly fine? [closed] solved Why doesn’t the code print out “prime” when i use ‘C =1;’ but when i dont give any values to ‘C ‘ initially it works perfectly … Read more

[Solved] Regex Conditions C# [closed]

I’m not sure if there is a way to short-circuit the Regex engine that way. You can use the control verbs (*FAIL) to immediately fail a match or (*LIMIT_MATCH=x) to limit the number of matches you receive to a specific quantity, but I don’t believe there’s a way to dynamically tell the engine to just … Read more

[Solved] Sensitive information in Android app? [closed]

All information available to your client (the app) is possible to extract, though some can be more difficult. As such, you should consider any such information public, and structure your security measures accordingly. In your specific example, the complex password doesn’t help much, since you will have to include the password in the code (or … Read more

[Solved] Why does the program give me a different result when I use if statement [duplicate]

In an if else-if statement you put multiple conditions to evaluate the result. The following is how the statements will work in your case: if(row==1||row==n||row==2*n-1) cout<<“*”; //if true then put * or if false then move down else if (col==1&&row<n||col==n&&row>n) cout<<“*”; // if the first is false and the 2nd one is true then put … Read more