[Solved] Sensitive information in Android app? [closed]

All information available to your client (the app) is possible to extract, though some can be more difficult. As such, you should consider any such information public, and structure your security measures accordingly. In your specific example, the complex password doesn’t help much, since you will have to include the password in the code (or … Read more

[Solved] SunMSCAPI returns no certificates

You are seeing the computer certificates, not user certificates. Windows-MY keystore only can use the personal user certificates. You can explore the personal certificates using Manage user certificates (certmgr )from control panel instead of Manage computer certificates (certIm) 1 solved SunMSCAPI returns no certificates

[Solved] Need help compiling this java source [closed]

I was able to run the project: File->Import…->Existing Projects into Workspace Project has invalid settings – source folders are wrong. To fix that, right click on the project->Properties->Java Build Path->Source-> add src, remove src/main and src/test To run, right click on Main class->Run As->Java Application To export to jar, right click on project->Export…->Runnable JAR file … Read more