[Solved] C++ array error about does not match a type [closed]

You may not have expression statements in the namespace-/file-scope. Only declaration statements are allowed. Declare a function, and write the expressions in the block scope of that function. In particular, I suggest declaring the main function, because a C++ program must contain one. Main function is the entry point of the program. 0 solved C++ … Read more

[Solved] Can jQuery css get inline styles also?

As people have said in the comments, this question is something that you might have easily found out for yourself. Since we’re here anyway though, here’s the answer: The .css() function can read both inline styles and separate styles (via link or style tags), but when it does write styles (when it has a parameter), … Read more

[Solved] Locate all similar “touching” elements in a 2D Array (Python) [closed]

You might consider learning how to implement breadth-first searches and depth-first searches in order to accomplish your objective. The following example shows how both of these search strategies can be easily handled in one function. A modular approach should make the code simple to change. #! /usr/bin/env python3 from collections import deque from operator import … Read more

[Solved] f:view and rich:page: inside or outside?

The <f:view> runs as being a taghandler during view build time, setting the specified attributes as properties of the current UIViewRoot and/or the HttpServletResponse instance. So, if some taghandler (not UI component!) is encountered before the <f:view> and relies on one of those attributes, then it will miss hit. However, <rich:page> is an UI component … Read more

[Solved] Why does c++ standard still not include file system and networking? [closed]

Why does c++ standard still not include file system and networking? Do you have any clue, why the C++ standard committee is not even thinking about adding such an essential features in the future? No, mainly because that is not true!There are ongoing efforts to define standard support for both. Personally, I don’t see why … Read more

[Solved] Preg_match on multiline text

The idea is to avoid the issue of new lines by not using the dot ($subject is your string): $pattern = ‘~ Project\hNo\.\h\d++\hDATE\h (?<date>\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}) \s++No\.\hQUESTION\hANSWER\s++ (?<No>\d++)\s++ # all characters but D or D not followed by “ate Required” (?<desc>(?>[^D]++|D(?!ate\hRequired))+) \D++ (?<date_required>\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}) ~x’; preg_match_all($pattern, $subject, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); print_r($matches); Note that i use possessive quantifiers and atomic … Read more

[Solved] If statements inside else if [closed]

It is not only OK; I’d even recommend it, especially if conditionB is relatively expensive to evaluate. For instance, here’s an alternative way: if(conditionA) { //do A stuff } else if(conditionB && conditionB1) { //do B1 } else if(conditionB && conditionB2) { //do B2 } else if(conditionB && conditionB3) { //do B3 } Let’s say … Read more

[Solved] Run xcode ios project on Android

I’ve never used any system to migrate apps between platforms. I code them natively if needed, adjusting UI/UX as expected between platforms. Having said this, for what I’ve heard in a conference where some guys from Apportable explained. They are slowly building up their system. But, as you can imagine, it’s not that easy. On … Read more

[Solved] how to configure cypal plugins into eclipse [closed]

Using collections framework in Java, a developer has to use loops and make repeated checks. Another concern is efficiency; as multi-core processors are available at ease, a Java developer has to write parallel code processing that can be pretty error-prone. To resolve such issues, Java 8 introduced the concept of stream that lets the developer … Read more

[Solved] Take second of three numbers from a line in a file [closed]

One thing you could do is extract all numbers, then use the second one: my $astring = “cool more 23423 random words of 1234 random other [wordssssssss] 23”; my @numbers = $astring =~ /[0-9]+/g; print “The second number is $numbers[1]\n”; 1 solved Take second of three numbers from a line in a file [closed]