[Solved] Spring MVC, Maven, CRUD, MongoDB [closed]

Please read your error messages more carefully. You have an autowiring problem: NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type **’com.mthree.service.UserService’** available: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate. Dependency annotations: {@org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)} You should add an annotation to tell Spring that your bean is under its control: @Service(value = “userService”) public class UserServiceImpl implements … Read more

[Solved] String to Map [closed]

Do you really mean java.lang.Object or do you mean a class of your own making? You can get into the java world if you have appropriately defined a your class with the following (Google Gson): BossesClass hisClass = new Gson().fromJson(bossesString, BossesClass.class); What you use as the key value (a String) in your map is your … Read more

[Solved] Return link from Hateos

Based on your comments & question for migration this is what I am suggesting: Map<LinkRelation, Optional<Link>> links = new HashMap<LinkRelation, Optional<Link>>(); links.put(IanaLinkRelations.SELF, Optional.of(response.getLink(IanaLinkRelations.SELF))); links.put(IanaLinkRelations.NEXT, Optional.of(response.getLink(IanaLinkRelations.NEXT))); links.put(IanaLinkRelations.PREVIOUS, Optional.of(response.getLink(IanaLinkRelations.PREVIOUS))); …. //calling addLinlk addLink(apmCoreBaseUrl, response, links, IanaLinkRelations.SELF); addLink(apmCoreBaseUrl, response, links, IanaLinkRelations.NEXT); addLink(apmCoreBaseUrl, response, links, IanaLinkRelations.PREVIOUS); And inside addLink: private void addLink(String baseUrl, RegistrationsResource response, Map<LinkRelation, Optional> links, LinkRelation … Read more

[Solved] How to handle requests without or with incorrect query parameters [closed]

The best way to handle this would be: @RequestParam(name=”currency”, defaultValue=”EUR”) String currency or @RequestParam(name=”currency”, required=false) String currency In second case your should check the existance of currency in your in your controller. solved How to handle requests without or with incorrect query parameters [closed]

[Solved] @RequestMapping annotation isn’t display while using Press ‘Ctrl+Space’.No completions available.I worked on STS-3 IDE [closed]

I think your jars are not downloaded or not in build path(Maven dependencies jar in eclipse) check all of spring boot jars are downloaded and these jars are in build path.Right click on project update your maven project select offline and force update option checkbox. and also check <parent> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-parent</artifactId> <version>2.1.1.RELEASE</version> <relativePath /> <!– … Read more

[Solved] Table in Spring [closed]

You are misunderstanding the concept of a database. You don’t add a column for each entry. Instead, look at your items, ores in this case, what do they have in common? Could be something like Id, OreName Or could be somwthing complex like: Id, OreName, price + a bunch of other columns with relations It … Read more