[Solved] How bootstrap decide what should be made?

Bootstrapping does not depend on the stacks you’re deploying, it’s the same for everyone by default. You can specify your own template, but that’s for advanced usage. The documentation lays out the purposes of bootstrapping pretty clearly: Deploying AWS CDK apps into an AWS environment (a combination of an AWS account and region) may require … Read more

[Solved] How to tell if a video is HDR or not in Swift?

Simple and precise: var isHdrVideo = false let pVideoTrack = AVAsset(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: assetURL!)) if #available(iOS 14.0, *) { let tracks = pVideoTrack.tracks(withMediaCharacteristic: .containsHDRVideo) for track in tracks{ isHdrVideo = track.hasMediaCharacteristic(.containsHDRVideo) if(isHdrVideo){ break } } } solved How to tell if a video is HDR or not in Swift?

[Solved] Minimal Hosting Model: Exited from Program.Main with exit code = ‘0’

The error messages aren’t terribly intuitive, but this error essentially means that the application ran, and then immediately exited. A common cause of this is when you neglect to add the Run() command at the end of the Program: app.Run(); Background This is easy to miss if you’re focused on migrating your ConfigureServices() and Configure() … Read more

[Solved] While Loop In C++

Here’s the answer, you should prompt for input, then check the input using a while loop instead of IF-ELSE to make sure the user provided the answer you desired. This is actually a simple logic question tho. You may explore do-while loop too. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { string item; float price; … Read more

[Solved] How do i get just 1 element JS [closed]

You need to verify that x is not undefined in case none of the elements have the class your looking for var x = document.getElementsByClassName(“check”)[0] if (x) { var y = window.getComputedStyle(x).display alert(y) } else { alert(‘not found’) } solved How do i get just 1 element JS [closed]

[Solved] Accessing another class’ method from within a standalone function [closed]

$db is not available within the function scope, you could Pass $db as an argument function func($db, $query, $params){ return $db->db_control($query, $params); } $results = func($db, $query, $params); Or function func($query, $params){ global $db; return $db->db_control($query, $params); } $result = func($query, $params); Use global to make it available within the function, there’s probably other solutions … Read more

[Solved] I guess I found a typo on android documentation [closed]

The correct link to the docs is https://developer.android.com/reference/android/telephony/CellInfoNr The way to get docs corrected is to report the error to the author, not by posting a question on StackOverflow. The link for doc errors is https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/new?component=192697 1 solved I guess I found a typo on android documentation [closed]

[Solved] Why does 0 % 5 return 0?

Division is defined so that the following is always true n = q × d + r where n is the numerator (or dividend), d != 0 is the denominator (or divisor), q is the quotient, and r > 0 is the remainder. (This holds for positive and negative values; q is positive if n … Read more

[Solved] Location Tracking bouncing the current location and by default drawing the route

CLLocationManager() has distanceFilter and pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically. You can add a distanceFilter to “ignore” positions and set pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically to true. If you are using location for navigation don’t hesitate to use kCLLocationAccuracyBestForNavigation 3 solved Location Tracking bouncing the current location and by default drawing the route

[Solved] Can a string literal and a non-string non-compound literal be modified? [duplicate]

From the C Standard (6.4.5 String literals) 7 It is unspecified whether these arrays are distinct provided their elements have the appropriate values. If the program attempts to modify such an array, the behavior is undefined. As for your statement. The second paragraph says that “C does not strictly prohibit modifying string literals” while compilers … Read more