[Solved] how to disable resize on html page in javascript [closed]
Use a modal dialog instead of a popup. As an HTML element you will be able to control the styling however you want. solved how to disable resize on html page in javascript [closed]
Use a modal dialog instead of a popup. As an HTML element you will be able to control the styling however you want. solved how to disable resize on html page in javascript [closed]
If I’m correct about the first line of code here you sholud get an array lookin like the second line. Test that first and make a backup of your files. This should list all userid’s or directories and loop through them. If the copy is success (true) it unlinks the old file, else returns a … Read more
I can give you one big advantage. We have an application that involves a client (WPF) and a Windows service. Normally the client calls the service (via WCF) to retrieve and/or save data etc. But, there are times we want the service to send the client a message, to notify the client it needs to … Read more
Here is how to do this with loops int n=10; //This is your Number int i = 0; for(i=n;i>=1;i–) if((int)Math.sqrt(i)*(int)Math.sqrt(i)==i) break; System.out.println(i); Below is how it works:- The Loop runs from the n, which is your number, to 1. It then checks whether, the square root of i, which is running through n to 1, … Read more
JAR file need to add to project class path. First Right click on you Eclipse Project, Project –> Build Path –> Configure Build Path. Under Libraries tab, click Add Jars or “Add External JARs”. solved Class Not Found Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver? [duplicate]
This would be the equivalent in python. In range(0, height, cellSize), 0 and height are the bounds of the range, and cellSize is how many out counter increments. for y in range(0, height, cellSize): for x in range(0, width, cellSize): rect(x, 0, cellSize, cellSize) 5 solved Python single line for loops [duplicate]
Here’s a base R one-liner use ave: df$A <- ave(df$X, df$Subject, FUN = function(x) if (max(x) == 3) 1 else 0) > df Subject Year X A 1 A 1990 1 0 2 A 1991 1 0 3 A 1992 2 0 4 A 1993 3 0 5 A 1994 4 0 6 A 1995 … Read more
I’m sorry for my Bad English so you all not uderstand with Question. I’ve solved my problem with this code for(int i=3; i<filteredSubGroupList .length(); i++){ try { filteredSubGroupList = (ProgramMethod.filterArray(subGroupList, “main-group-nr”, String.valueOf(3), false)); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } LOGCAT : I/System.out: 3 I/System.out: [{“zknr”:98,”bezeich”:”CIGARETTE”,”fibukonto”:”14″,”departement”:1,”betriebsnr”:98,”main-group-nr”:3},{“zknr”:700,”bezeich”:”DISCOUNT”,”fibukonto”:”00″,”departement”:1,”betriebsnr”:0,”main-group-nr”:30}] It’s make me get all int except 1 … Read more
The result of Promise.new() is just a reference to the promise. If you want to list all promises in an application, you need to get a reference to them when they’re created. Promise.all() is not related to getting all active promises in an application, it’s used for something else. There is no magical way to … Read more
Add this code to your onConnected, thats where it would get Last Known Location. private static Location mLastLocation; private static GoogleApiClient mGoogleApiClient; private static Context context; // added private LocationRequest mLocationRequest; private Double latitude; private Double longitude; private String TAG = “”; // set your TAG @Override public void onConnected(Bundle bundle) { if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(context, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) … Read more
Here is a short batch code for this task: @echo off pushd “C:\Temp\Data” if not exist “Output\*” md Output for /D %%D in (*) do ( if /I not “%%D” == “Output” ( for %%J in (“%%D\plots\*.jpeg”) do ( copy /B /Y “%%~fJ” “Output\%%D-%%~nxJ” >nul ) ) ) popd Specify in second line the path … Read more
IntelliJ support SQL but only the ultimate edition and since the android studio is built on community edition so consequently, it doesn’t support SQL. I looked it up and PyCharm Community Edition does not support database / SQL only the ultimate edition take a look at this comparison and this solved SQL syntax formatting on … Read more
Because you’re creating that as an automatic variable, it will go on the stack. The stack size is not very large. A general rule of thumb is for any objects larger than a few KBs, always dynamically allocate them on the heap using malloc() (or new for C++). Your program is crashing because the size … Read more
The Array.prototype.findIndex() method returns an index of the first element in the array that satisfies the provided testing function. function isBigEnough(element) { return element >= 15; } [12, 5, 8, 130, 44].findIndex(isBigEnough); // 3 solved How to find index of object in a array from JSON – Angular 2
Move your table rows inside the while loop and your title line before the loop and then you will see all the data and not just the last line $sql = $wpdb->prepare(“select i.siteID , i.siteNAME, i.equipmentTYPE, c.latitude , c.longitude, c.height , o.ownerNAME , o.ownerCONTACT, x.companyNAME, y.subcontractorCOMPANY , y.subcontractorNAME, y.subcontractorCONTACT from site_info i LEFT JOIN owner_info … Read more