[Solved] WCF CallBack implementation [closed]

I can give you one big advantage. We have an application that involves a client (WPF) and a Windows service. Normally the client calls the service (via WCF) to retrieve and/or save data etc. But, there are times we want the service to send the client a message, to notify the client it needs to … Read more

[Solved] Value with All number except n or n number in Java [closed]

I’m sorry for my Bad English so you all not uderstand with Question. I’ve solved my problem with this code for(int i=3; i<filteredSubGroupList .length(); i++){ try { filteredSubGroupList = (ProgramMethod.filterArray(subGroupList, “main-group-nr”, String.valueOf(3), false)); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } LOGCAT : I/System.out: 3 I/System.out: [{“zknr”:98,”bezeich”:”CIGARETTE”,”fibukonto”:”14″,”departement”:1,”betriebsnr”:98,”main-group-nr”:3},{“zknr”:700,”bezeich”:”DISCOUNT”,”fibukonto”:”00″,”departement”:1,”betriebsnr”:0,”main-group-nr”:30}] It’s make me get all int except 1 … Read more

[Solved] How to list all promisses

The result of Promise.new() is just a reference to the promise. If you want to list all promises in an application, you need to get a reference to them when they’re created. Promise.all() is not related to getting all active promises in an application, it’s used for something else. There is no magical way to … Read more

[Solved] Fused Location always returns null

Add this code to your onConnected, thats where it would get Last Known Location. private static Location mLastLocation; private static GoogleApiClient mGoogleApiClient; private static Context context; // added private LocationRequest mLocationRequest; private Double latitude; private Double longitude; private String TAG = “”; // set your TAG @Override public void onConnected(Bundle bundle) { if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(context, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) … Read more

[Solved] SQL syntax formatting on Android Studio or IntelliJ?

IntelliJ support SQL but only the ultimate edition and since the android studio is built on community edition so consequently, it doesn’t support SQL. I looked it up and PyCharm Community Edition does not support database / SQL only the ultimate edition take a look at this comparison and this solved SQL syntax formatting on … Read more

[Solved] Segmentation fault 11 because of a 40 MB array in C

Because you’re creating that as an automatic variable, it will go on the stack. The stack size is not very large. A general rule of thumb is for any objects larger than a few KBs, always dynamically allocate them on the heap using malloc() (or new for C++). Your program is crashing because the size … Read more

[Solved] sql query doesn’t retrieve all the records just retrieve the last record

Move your table rows inside the while loop and your title line before the loop and then you will see all the data and not just the last line $sql = $wpdb->prepare(“select i.siteID , i.siteNAME, i.equipmentTYPE, c.latitude , c.longitude, c.height , o.ownerNAME , o.ownerCONTACT, x.companyNAME, y.subcontractorCOMPANY , y.subcontractorNAME, y.subcontractorCONTACT from site_info i LEFT JOIN owner_info … Read more