[Solved] loop and rename all subfolders in php

If I’m correct about the first line of code here you sholud get an array lookin like the second line. Test that first and make a backup of your files.

This should list all userid’s or directories and loop through them.
If the copy is success (true) it unlinks the old file, else returns a error message.

This is untested code

//$arr = array_filter(glob('images/logos/*'), 'is_dir');
$arr = array("images/logos/1216","images/logos/11437","images/logos/234438");

foreach($arr as $dir){
    $UID = str_replace("images/logos/", "", $dir);
    $newpath = "images/users/" . floor($UID/1000) . "https://stackoverflow.com/" . $UID . "/logos/logo.jpg";
    $oldpath = $dir . "/logo.jpg";
    if(copy($oldpath, $newpath)){
        echo "error with file " . $oldpath . "<br>\n";
        $error = true;

if(!$error) unlink("images/logos");

EDIT; Just noticed I had used Excel too much lately. Changed the & to .
EDIT2; tested the code on my own page now and it seems the glob returns the path. Included code to get the UserID.


solved loop and rename all subfolders in php