[Solved] Editing fields in Javadoc IntelliJ

Here is an example of using the JavaDoc. import java.io.*; /** * <h1>Add Two Numbers!</h1> * The AddNum program implements an application that * simply adds two given integer numbers and Prints * the output on the screen. * <p> * <b>Note:</b> Giving proper comments in your program makes it more * user friendly and … Read more

[Solved] I need Help about Loop [closed]

In the first example the value of p is reset to 1 on each iteration for i. In the second example the value of p is set just once and then is never reset, so it’s accumulating in all of the iterations of the loop over i. 1 solved I need Help about Loop [closed]

[Solved] JMonkeyEngine in Intellij IDEA

It looks to me like the 3.1 version is currently in beta, and the correct version number for the most recent beta is 3.1.0-beta1. Also, it appears that the maven artifacts are available on JCenter since 3.1.0-alpha2 (https://bintray.com/jmonkeyengine/org.jmonkeyengine/jme3-core/view). The private repository seems to no longer exist. Given that, I was able to get the following … Read more

[Solved] This “Insertion sort” code in “Atom” ide using “C++” gives ouput properly but in “Intellij Idea” using “java” the same code gives index out of bound

This “Insertion sort” code in “Atom” ide using “C++” gives ouput properly but in “Intellij Idea” using “java” the same code gives index out of bound solved This “Insertion sort” code in “Atom” ide using “C++” gives ouput properly but in “Intellij Idea” using “java” the same code gives index out of bound

[Solved] SQL syntax formatting on Android Studio or IntelliJ?

IntelliJ support SQL but only the ultimate edition and since the android studio is built on community edition so consequently, it doesn’t support SQL. I looked it up and PyCharm Community Edition does not support database / SQL only the ultimate edition take a look at this comparison and this solved SQL syntax formatting on … Read more

[Solved] Compile single .java file with two classes into two .class files [closed]

I am not sure what you are doing wrong so I will just show you how it can be done. Lets say you have directories and files [myProject] | +–[src] | | | +–[com] | | | +–[DatingService] | | | +– Main.java | +–[classes] and your Main.java file looks something like package com.DatingService; class … Read more

[Solved] Check for improper angle bracket usage (not in tags) in inline Javadoc in IntelliJ IDEA

According to Serge Baranov from JetBrain’s support team: It’s a known limitation, please vote for https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/v2/issue/IDEA-165488. The issue’s description reads as expected: Idea’s ‘HTML problems in Javadoc (DocLint)’ does not report any problems in the following javadoc: /** * a < b > c */ void test(); However, javadoc generation will fail in this case: … Read more

[Solved] Find the smallest number have 3 integer roots?

Your if condition is not correct ! Your code should be : public static void main(String [] args){ BigInteger i = new BigInteger(“2”); double sqroot, cuberoot, fifthroot; while(true) { sqroot = Math.sqrt(i.floatValue()); cuberoot = Math.cbrt(i.floatValue()); fifthroot = Math.pow(i.floatValue(),1/5.0d); System.out.print(“i = “+i); if(Math.floor(sqroot)==sqroot && Math.floor(cuberoot)==cuberoot && Math.floor(fifthroot)==fifthroot){ break; } i= i.add(new BigInteger(“1”)); } System.out.println(i); } 1 … Read more