[Solved] Create a BAT that can open a selection of executables? [duplicate]

@echo off :input echo What do you want to open? echo 1. Application1.exe echo 2. Application2.exe echo 3. Application3.exe set /p “app=: ” if “%app%”==”1” goto :start Application1.exe if “%app%”==”2” goto :start Application2.exe if “%app%”==”3” goto :start Application3.exe echo Invalid option! goto :input :start start “” “%~1” exit 2 solved Create a BAT that can … Read more

[Solved] What is ‘nul’ in batch file?

Nul exists as a file in EVERY directory. It swallows anything sent to it. Reserved names. These refer to devices eg, copy filename con which copies a file to the console window. CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, and LPT9 … Read more

[Solved] How To Make Chat Bot In Batch [closed]

search for keywords instead of full phrases: @echo off :loop set /p input=”> ” echo %input%|find /i “hi” >nul && echo Hello. echo %input%|find /i “your name” >nul && echo My name is Rob. What’s yours? echo %input%|find /i “my name is” >nul && echo That’s a nice name. echo %input%|find /i “wheather” >nul && … Read more

[Solved] Progress bar shows “echo is OFF” message

Your actual question of why your echos aren’t working is perfectly reasonable, and it’s an extremely common error for beginners. | is a symbol that takes the output of one command and uses it as the input of another command. In your case, you effectively have echo by itself, which will simply return the status … Read more

[Solved] What’s wrong in this batch/command script? [closed]

The solution to your issue was provided in the comments by LotPings, the syntax is Set /P “VariableName=PromptMessage” not Set /P “%Variable%=PromptMessage”. Here’s a modified example of your script: @Echo Off Set /P “password=Please enter the correct code in order to continue: ” ClS Echo Loading… Timeout 5 /NoBreak > Nul ClS If Not “%password%”==”Puzzle” … Read more

[Solved] Batch – Commenting on YouTube [closed]

It is not possible to do with batch files, but look into VBScript, it has a “SendKeys” function which is like a typer and you can click in sertain positions. Which means you could create a program that clicks in the comment box and types, then presses “Post”. 4 solved Batch – Commenting on YouTube … Read more

[Solved] How to use “if() and else if()” condition in Windows Batch files [closed]

He means that he want to create a folder in the current directory by the current date using batch programming for example if the date is 30/04/2018 the folder name would be 30April2018 … now he asked that id the dates are (01,02,21,22,21)/05/2018 then the name should be 1stmay2018 instead of 1May2018 or 22ndMay2018 instead … Read more

[Solved] Execute batch-file to start wifi hotspot as admin

The hardest part of this is to run a .bat file as admin automatically, without even right-clicking on it. You need to save this code as a .bat file: @ECHO OFF :: this tests if the file is running as admin >nul 2>&1 “%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe” “%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system” if ‘%errorlevel%’ NEQ ‘0’ (GOTO askAdmin) GOTO gotAdmin :askAdmin >nul … Read more