[Solved] Java Package not in Folders

See this other Stack Overflow Q/A about the runtime JAR (rt.jar or classes.jar depending on the OS you are using). This JAR is basically just like any other JAR you might write for a project, except instead of being a library or application, this JAR contains the classes used within and provided by the JVM … Read more

[Solved] GET request as directory [duplicate]

If you are going to build a social network solution, it is strongly recommended to use an established framework like Laravel, Yii2 etc. Why? Because it has tons of out of the box functionality you can use. That said, you need to learn how to use routing. Here is one solution. http://blogs.shephertz.com/2014/05/21/how-to-implement-url-routing-in-php/ Here is another … Read more

[Solved] Search for folders that doesn’t contain file with a wanted name

Try executing this in the directory containing all your movies’ folders : $language = Read-Host “Language to search for” foreach ($folder in (dir -Directory)) { if (-not (Get-ChildItem -Path “$($folder.Name)/*.$language.srt”)) { “Missing $language subtitle for $($folder.Name)” } } 0 solved Search for folders that doesn’t contain file with a wanted name

[Solved] Determining the Parent Folder of a given Path in C#

You can use Directory.GetParent. .. which returns a DirectoryInfo and you can get the Name or FullName var info = Directory.GetParent(@”directory_path”); var name = info.Name; //this will give parentdirectory var fullName = info.FullName; //this will give pages/parentdirectory solved Determining the Parent Folder of a given Path in C#

[Solved] How can I find a file in a directory [closed]

This isnt exactly what you asked for but it will get you started. import os #bring in the necessary library to access your specific os filename = raw_input(“Enter file: “) #get user input dirList = os.listdir(‘.’) #get the current directory listing if filename in dirList: #if the filename sought was in that dirlist…. print “file … Read more

[Solved] Calculate folder size for multiple folders [closed]

You could try this. Use: Get-FileSize “C:\folder1″,”C:\folder2″,”C:\folder3\folder1” Output: Name Value —- —– Total 1456.00 C:\folder1 100.00 C:\folder2 123.00 C:\folder3\folder1 1233.00 Doesn’t throw in MB because of the calculations that SUM does… Function Get-FileSize([string[]]$Array) { $Output = @{} Foreach($String in $Array){ $FolderInfo = Get-ChildItem -Recurse $String $totalSize = “{0:N2}” -f (($FolderInfo | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum … Read more

[Solved] How to read/load whole directory via PHP [closed]

scandir will out put the directory contents into an array which you will need to loop through to build your images. $files = scandir(‘dir/images’); foreach($files as $file) { echo “<img src=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27026418/dir/images/”.$file.””/>”; } 0 solved How to read/load whole directory via PHP [closed]

[Solved] Fatal error: Uncaught Error: using graphaware for PHP

try this: require_once __DIR__.’/vendor/autoload.php’; your code is: require_once __DIR__.’C:/xampp/htdocs/vendor/autoload.php’; you dont need to specify the full path of the files (‘c:/xampp/…’) __DIR__ will give you the current directory of the file you wrote your codes oh and anyway, did you edit the autoload.php? if you use third party classes or plugins, you should not have … Read more

[Solved] Read file content and use Regular Expression to locate a pattern in each File in Perl

use strict; use warnings; use HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath; my ($dir) = @ARGV; my @files = glob “$dir/*”; for my $file (@files) { my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath->new_from_file($file); my @opacity = $tree->findnodes_as_strings(‘//div[@class=”opacity description”]’); print “\n$file\n”; print ” $_\n” for @opacity; } solved Read file content and use Regular Expression to locate a pattern in each File in Perl

[Solved] how do I count unique words of text files in specific directory with Python? [closed]

textfile=open(‘somefile.txt’,’r’) text_list=[line.split(‘ ‘) for line in textfile] unique_words=[word for word in text_list if word not in unique_words] print(len(unique_words)) That’s the general gist of it solved how do I count unique words of text files in specific directory with Python? [closed]