[Solved] Why is a function not awaited as a promise?

Taking a guess here but it looks like you want to promis-ify the Voice.onSpeechResults callback. Have your MicButton function return a promise that resolves with the result you want export const MicButton = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { Voice.start(‘en-US’) Voice.onSpeechResults = (res) => { resolve(res.value[0]) } Voice.onSpeechError = reject }).finally(() => { Voice.removeAllListeners() … Read more

[Solved] Order in Promise/Async/Await (Interview Question)

First I would explain that nobody should ever rely on precise timing between two separate promise chains. They run independently of one another and as soon as you insert any real world asynchronous operations in either of those promise chains (which all real-world programming would contain), then the timing of each chain is entirely unpredictable … Read more

[Solved] JQuery and WinJS – Promise [closed]

Promises are a programming pattern for dealing with asynchronous operations. The pattern could be applied to other languages, but they are most commonly encountered in JS libraries (like jQuery and WinJS). Kraig Brockschmidt has a really good blog post about how they work (in general) and in WinJS here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/windowsappdev/archive/2013/06/11/all-about-promises-for-windows-store-apps-written-in-javascript.aspx I’ve written a blog post … Read more

[Solved] How to list all promisses

The result of Promise.new() is just a reference to the promise. If you want to list all promises in an application, you need to get a reference to them when they’re created. Promise.all() is not related to getting all active promises in an application, it’s used for something else. There is no magical way to … Read more

[Solved] how to make a while loop in nodejs to be a series

I (very quickly, so it probably has errors) rewrote this using async.forEachOfSeries to iterate over your attachments. I used async.forEachOf for the database writes as I don’t see a need for them to be in series. var async = require(‘async’); if (issue.fields.attachment != ”) { async.forEachOfSeries(issue.fields.attachment,function(attachment,r,callback){ if (typeof issue.fields.attachment[r].content != “undefined”) { var url = … Read more