[Solved] Only allowing numbers to be taken from user input in java

Inside your while loop use the following code: System.out.print(“Enter the test score: “); while (!keyboard.hasNextInt()) {//Will run till an integer input is found System.out.println(“Only number input is allowed!”); System.out.print(“Enter the test score: “); keyboard.next(); } int tS = keyboard.nextInt(); //If input is a valid int value then the above while loop would not be executed … Read more

[Solved] android while loop alternative

running while loop codes on the main thread freezes the UI, and makes all other processes pause making your app unresponsive use Threads.. also note that the while loop you are running is running on a default Thread termed as the ui thread so in short run while loops on separate threads.. eg.. new Thread(new … Read more

[Solved] How optimize while in while code? [duplicate]

If you need all of them as ids (which includes a string which is weird). Consider this example: $text=”12-10-4-32-45-name-sara-x-y-86″; $text = array_unique(explode(‘-‘, $text)); // just in case there are duplicate ids $statement=”SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `pid` IN(“”.implode(‘”, “‘, $text).'”) ORDER BY `id` LIMIT 3’; // should be like this // SELECT * FROM `table` … Read more

[Solved] Convert a `while` loop to a `for` loop

I think it should be something like this : for(;a<b–;){ for(d += a++ ; a != c ; ) { d += a++; } c+= a&b } The above logic works ! I ran both programs as below and they output the same result : Program1:[derived from your program 1] #include<stdio.h> int main(){ int a=10,b=10,c=10,d=10; … Read more

[Solved] While loop won’t continue

I don’t understand what the purpose of cin is here, but if you want the output you requested in the question: // Example program #include <iostream> #include <string> using std::cout; using std::endl; int main() { int Day = 20; while (Day >= 1) { cout << Day << ” “; Day /= 2; } } … Read more

[Solved] While Loop In C++

Here’s the answer, you should prompt for input, then check the input using a while loop instead of IF-ELSE to make sure the user provided the answer you desired. This is actually a simple logic question tho. You may explore do-while loop too. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { string item; float price; … Read more

[Solved] scanner in while loop [duplicate]

Let’s extract a method (ReadInteger) for it. Please, note, that we use int.TryParse instead of Convert.ToInt32 since user input is not necessary a valid integer private static int ReadInteger(String title = null) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(title)) Console.WriteLine(title); while (true) { if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int result)) return result; Console.WriteLine(“Sorry, the input is not a valid integer, try … Read more

[Solved] Defining function with an argument, employs while loop and returns largest power of 2 that is less than or equal to number [closed]

A simple while loop works, just make sure you divide the number by 2, otherwise you’ll get the NEXT power of 2. def function(number): x = 1 while x <= number: x *= 2 return x / 2 solved Defining function with an argument, employs while loop and returns largest power of 2 that is … Read more

[Solved] Comparison inside while loop c++

Use == not = if (num == 1) { system(“start C:\\test\\vw”); Sleep(2000); } else if (num == 2) { system(“start C:\\test\\vw2”); Sleep(2300); } else if (num == 3) { system(“start C:\\test\\vw3”); Sleep(1800); } == is for comparison, = is for assignment The reason why it always chooses the first option is because C++ (and C) … Read more

[Solved] While loop inside of for loop [closed]

There’s nothing wrong with having a while loop inside a for loop. To demonstrate: i = 0 kebab = [“chicken”,”garlic”,”cheese”,”tomato”,”lettuce”,”chilli”] print “Kebabs are so good, this is what mine has:” excitement_over_kebab = 1 for ingredients in kebab: while excitement_over_kebab == 1: print kebab[i] i+=1 if i == 6: print “Enough talk, my lunch break is … Read more