[Solved] what is The poisoned NUL byte, in 1998 and 2014 editions?

To even begin to understand how this attack works, you will need at least a basic understanding of how a CPU works, how memory works, what the “heap” and “stack” of a process are, what pointers are, what libc is, what linked lists are, how function calls are implemented at the machine level (including calls … Read more

[Solved] How can I pause between two commands

There are ways to do this in .NET using the ServiceController class and avoiding any interaction with the shell. You can find those here:MSDN ServiceController If you’d prefer to invoke a process through the CMD, you can create two separate processes and call either Thread.Sleep(milliseconds) or Task.Delay(milliseconds) to wait. Additionally, make sure that after you … Read more

[Solved] Is there a way to identify the Windows command prompt regardless of file name or location?

Don’t. Windows has internal means for that. Read up on the policy editor, and/or file access control. If you’re admin and the “user” is not, policy (or simple ACL) will do the job; if the “user” is also an admin, they’ll be able to defeat your program fairly easily. 4 solved Is there a way … Read more

[Solved] How do I stop a process running using Perl? [closed]

Perl extensions are typically .pl or .pm right? .py is for python I think. Anyway, you can kill a specified program in a Unix environment with something like: system ‘killall’, ‘some_program_name’; or system ‘kill’, ‘-15’, $pid; if the variable $pid holds the pid of your program. 4 solved How do I stop a process running … Read more

[Solved] Convert a process based program into a thread based version?

The general case depends on whether the threads are wholly independent of each other. If you go multi-threaded, you must ensure that any shared resource is accessed appropriate protection. The code shown has a shared resource in the use of srand() and rand(). You will get different results in a multi-threaded process compared with those … Read more