[Solved] How to split multiple string formats using regex and assigning its different groups to variable [closed]

You can use this code: import re domain = “collabedge-123.dc-01.com” # preg_match(“/^(collabedge-|cb|ss)([0-9]+).dc-([0-9]+).com$/”, $domain, $matches); regex = r”^(collabedge-|cb|ss)([0-9]+).dc-([0-9]+).com$” res = re.match(regex,domain) print(res.group(0)) print(res.group(1)) print(res.group(2)) print(res.group(3)) Output: collabedge-123.dc-01.com collabedge- 123 01 1 solved How to split multiple string formats using regex and assigning its different groups to variable [closed]

[Solved] How do I add a Array to my php variables, loops wont work with arrays

As an example (style and add to it as needed) $cars[] = [‘name’ => ‘HRV’, ‘price’ => ‘CAD-$23300’, ‘img’ => ‘http://direct.automobiles.honda.com/images/2016/hr-v/exterior-gallery-new/2016-honda-hrv-front-view.jpg’, ‘desc’ => ‘HRV is a mini suv made by Honda’, ]; $cars[] = [‘name’ => ‘CHR’ , ‘price’ => ‘CAD-$23675’ , ‘img’ => ‘https://d1bxbrgbmu84na.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/16093812/CHR.jpg’ , ‘desc’ => ‘RDX is a large SUV made by … Read more

[Solved] Plot a three variables function over the specified domain in MATLAB [closed]

its still a little unclear as to what you’re trying to accomplish. Is this what you’re trying to do?: x1=0.5:.01:1.6; x2=280:0.453:330; x3=-2.06:.0373:2.06; V = x1.^2+x2.^2+x3.^2+3.*x1.*x3-x2.*x3-4.*x2.*x1; subplot(3,1,1) plot(V,x1) subplot(3,1,2) plot(V,x2) subplot(3,1,3) plot(V,x3) 3 solved Plot a three variables function over the specified domain in MATLAB [closed]

[Solved] ‘str’ object is not callable – CAUTION: DO NO USE SPECIAL FUNCTIONS AS VARIABLES

The problem is str function must have been overloaded. Input: X=5 print(“X value is:”+str(X)) Output: X value is:5 Input: X=5 str = “98897” print(“X value is:”+str(X)) Output: TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in () —-> 1 print(“X value is:”+str(X)) TypeError: ‘str’ object is not callable 1 solved ‘str’ object is not callable – CAUTION: … Read more

[Solved] Can I use an Expression to set a variable in a “SQL Statement Task”?

If you are talking about the “Execute SQL Task”, expressions are possible. Here what I usually do is to configure the type as “direct input” and then define the whole statement – including my parametrized values – as expression. If you rightclick the task, you can select properties and in the properties you open the … Read more

[Solved] cannot be resolved to variable

As others have stated, this site is not a school for learning the basics of the language. But sooner or later people will propably come here in search for an answer to your exact question. You have a huge misunderstand of how Java works. In your code, you are making two mistakes. First, you try … Read more

[Solved] How to make python create variables, without the user creating the variables?

Your question contradicts itself, you want to prompt the user to enter an integer value that would in return, create that many values available for use. Just a note on: …make python create variables, without the user creating the variables? You’re creating the values using python, so indirectly, python is creating them, the user is … Read more

[Solved] Node.js bug ? function’s return value change when stored as variable

Your function decodeWebStream mutates the input variable d. This probably combined with an error elsewhere in your code double-encoding your data is probably leading to the second call of decodeWebStream giving you the correct value (but not first or third). 1 solved Node.js bug ? function’s return value change when stored as variable