[Solved] How do you use variables within $_POST? [closed]

$_POST is an associative array that is set by forms using the “method=post” attribute. You can access it like the following: Lets say you have the form: <form action=”” method=”post”> Name: <input type=”text” name=”first_name” /> <input type=”submit” value=”Submit” /> </form> You would access the “first_name” input box using the following variable: $_POST[‘first_name’] If “row” is … Read more

[Solved] php errors – Notice: Undefined variable: iAccount_db in D:\iac\htdocs\datas\scripts\iAccount_core.inc.php on line 135 [closed]

Ok, now that you posted some code, you’re defining $iAccount_db in the correct place, but you’re trying to access it when inside the scope of a funcion , while the variable is defined outside of it. Bad solution: make $iAccount_db global (not recommended) A variant to this would be to make those variable CONSTANTS, since … Read more

[Solved] Passing variables in classic ASP

You should think of the page as being built into one contiguous page, so that if you include a number of .asp files they will build up your finished page. For instance, if you have three files: File_1.asp <h1>Hello, World!</h1> File_2.asp <p>This file will be included too!</p> File_3.asp <%Dim version version = 1.1%> …and include … Read more

[Solved] How to find the number of correct answers that user had made then convert the correct answer to percentage? [closed]

Firstly, declare some variables to work with for your test. Integer userScore=0; Integer totalScore=0; The percentage is userScore/totalScore*100. To add these up throughout the test, each of your questions should have something like this in them. if (answerIsCorrect) { userScore++; } totalScore++ To get the percentage, you just need to use your variables that have … Read more

[Solved] Javascript Algorithm Understanding

a=b sets the value of variable a to the value of variable b. b=c sets the value of variable b to the value of variable c. This persists throughout the loop. When the while restarts, a,b and c keep the values you just set them as. 1 solved Javascript Algorithm Understanding

[Solved] How do I store a variable in Python

here is a simple way to do this : import random score = 0 number = int(raw_input (‘hello, please enter a times table you would like to practice \n’)) while number > 12 or number < 2: if number > 12: print ‘number is too big must be between 2 and 12 \n’ else: print … Read more

[Solved] In C++, why should I use “new” if I can directly assign an integer to the pointer without using “new”? [closed]

int *ptr_a = 1;doesn’t create a new int, this creates a pointer ptr_a and assigns a value of 1 to it, meaning that this pointer will point to the address 0x00000001. It’s not an integer. If you try to use the pointer later with *ptr_a = 2, you will get a segmentation fault because the … Read more