[Solved] making variable a number
http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_input_type.asp You want to use type=”number” on your input field Type a number: <input type=”number”/> 1 solved making variable a number
http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_input_type.asp You want to use type=”number” on your input field Type a number: <input type=”number”/> 1 solved making variable a number
Your findall(‘CRC-START(.*?)CRC-END’, PIDFile.read(), re.S) on line 202 didn’t find anything, PID didn’t get declared, boom, UnboundLocalError. This happens because python interpreter makes a preliminary pass on the code, marking encountered variables as local, but it does not (and cannot) check if code that declares them will actually be executed. Minimal reproducible example of that effect … Read more
What you will need to use to do this is the System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject class. using System; using System.Dynamic; using System.Collections.Generic; public class Program { public static void Main() { var args = “–Bar –Foo MyStuff”.Split(); var parsedArgs = ParseArgs(args); Console.WriteLine(parsedArgs.Foo); //Writes “MyStuff” Console.WriteLine(parsedArgs.Bar); //Writes true; Console.WriteLine(parsedArgs.NotDefined); //Throws run time exception. } public static dynamic ParseArgs(string[] args) … Read more
If you want to parse the output of a command in bash script there are several utilities like grep, sed, awk, as well as shell builtins, that helps manipulating the strings to suit your needs. On the other hand, you can’t really do GUI-programming in bash script. For simple GUIs you may check zenity if … Read more
Use set to change the value of variables and %var% for using them: set variable=4 echo Variable is equal to %variable%. pause Output: Variable is equal to 4. Press a key to continue . . . If you mean you want to know if a variable is defined, just use if defined <variable>: if defined … Read more
Look up the file you will see function(n) You can take the rest from there. Pretty print feature in your debugger will help. But the files from been compressed so have fun figuring out what variables actually mean. 1 solved Unknown variable in JavaScript function
Consider using get() to obtain environment variables from string values. Additionally, consider the nested lapply() between dataframe and model lists for more organized returned object. Nested for loops would require appending each iteration into growing list unless you just need to output. Below examples use linear models, lm(): model1 <- y ~ x1 model2 <- … Read more
A variable, as the name implies, varies over time. Variables mostly allocate memory. In your code, when you declare that a value will not change, the compiler can do a series of optimizations (no space is allocated for constants on stack) and this is the foremost advantage of Constants. Update You may ask why do … Read more
You have syntax error in “if else”. You need to use like “else if”. Update your function like below. function getTaxRate(inIncome) { var taxRate; var taxIncome = parseInt(inIncome); if (taxIncome >= 0 && taxIncome <= 8925) { taxRate = RATE_ONE; } else if (taxIncome >= 8926 && taxIncome <= 36250) { taxRate = RATE_TWO; } … Read more
User Himal say use typeof.. so I can found the answer var myvar=5 alert(typeof myvar); //alerts “number” so to know kind of varible use typeof source : http://www.javascriptkit.com/javatutors/determinevar2.shtml solved How can I identify kind of variable I’m trying to compare in JavaScript?
Doing it the first way severely hampers the re-usability of your function. Simple Example: What if I wanted to see the outcome from of your function when y=3 when x is any of the numbers in [2, 4, 6]? With the first example, you’d need: def f(): return x + y results=[] y = 3 … Read more
If you need all of them as ids (which includes a string which is weird). Consider this example: $text=”12-10-4-32-45-name-sara-x-y-86″; $text = array_unique(explode(‘-‘, $text)); // just in case there are duplicate ids $statement=”SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `pid` IN(“”.implode(‘”, “‘, $text).'”) ORDER BY `id` LIMIT 3’; // should be like this // SELECT * FROM `table` … Read more
The problem is that you’re storing pointers into cstr in argv, but then you’re deleting cstr at the end of the parse() function. Get rid of: delete[] cstr; Also, you should pass argc by reference. Otherwise, when you update it in the parse() function it won’t update the caller’s variable. So it should be: void … Read more
you have to create an instance of your class in order to access non static variables from your static methods in java. public class MainGUI { int num1= 1366, num2= 528, num3= 482, sum; // declare these static? public static void main(String args[]) { MainGui m = new MainGUI(); sum = m.num1 + m.num2+ m.num3; … Read more
You set a to a random number between 0 and 5. You set b to a random number between 0 and 5 – a You set c to a random number between 0 and 5 – a – b You set d to 5 – a – b – c As a result, you get … Read more