[Solved] Using two return statements in a function (Python 2.7)

The function only prints out “Hello “. Then it returns, and its return value is “World.”. Returning means the function is finished and the interpreter continues wherever it was before the function was called, so whatever comes after the return is irrelevant. You called it as print doPrint(), which calls the function and prints whatever … Read more

[Solved] C# code allow fun syntax, and also void method can allowed return

The method builds because it’s perfectly valid C#. Those are labels. They are part of the goto construct that C# inherited from C / C++ that allows execution to jump to a specific point within the method. It’s use is generally discouraged. From 8.4 Labeled statements A labeled-statement permits a statement to be prefixed by … Read more

[Solved] Java return command [closed]

Observe the difference between parameters and arguments: return factorial(n) / (factorial(k) * factorial(n-k)); Here the first n is an argument – a value passed to the function being called. private int factorial(int n) Here n is a parameter – a placeholder to use in defining what the function should do when being called with an … Read more

[Solved] What main(++i) will return in C

First of all, the declaration of main() is supposed to be int main(int argc, char **argv). You cannot modify that. Even if your code compiles, the system will call main() the way it is supposed to be called, with the first parameter being the number of parameters of your program (1 if no parameter is … Read more

[Solved] Why can’t i check the return of a function with a switch?

It can be done – however your function should be returning an int. int foo(void) { return 1; } int main(void) { switch(foo()) { case 0: printf(“foo\n”); break; case 1: printf(“bar\n”); break; default: break; } return 0; } As, can been seen this compiles and runs. [09:36 PM] $ gcc -Wall -Werror switcht.c -o switcht … Read more

[Solved] C++ curly brackets

To answer your first question. By doing an if statement in one line you are limited to one operation, so to speak. if(ret != 0) return false; Whilst using the curly brackets you are declaring a block with code operations. if(ret != 0) { /* do other stuff here */ return false; } There is … Read more

[Solved] Explain function returns in c [closed]

Your message functions lack a return type. C deduces it to be int. However, not returning a value from a non-void function is Undefined Behaviour. In your case, the return value from printf has probably been stored in a register, which was not overwritten by message before it itself returned. Thus, the return value propagated. … Read more

[Solved] What is the result of calling return in a non-void function after calling a function returning int?

The issue here is you don’t seem to understand what undefined behavior means. When you invoke undefined behavior, anything can happen. Your program can crash, it can generate unexpected results, or it can appear to work correctly. Making a seeming unrelated change, such as adding an unused variable or an extra call to printf, can … Read more

[Solved] Python return dictionary [closed]

You seem to be approaching this as if it is C. That is understandable, but overcomplicating your Python. Let’s consider just a few things. Overwriting an input variable immediately: def buildIndex(m, d): d = {} In Python we don’t need to declare variables or make room for them. So this is much more clearly expressed … Read more

[Solved] Program crashes when a function returns empty

The main problem I see with your code is the reading loop, it has mainly two issues Read: Why is while (!feof(rPtr)) always wrong. You must check the return value of scanf(), and prevent scanf()‘s from overflowing the destination buffer, so the loop condition should be while (fscanf(rPtr, “%14s%lf%lf%lf”, fromDb.name, &fromDb.dArea, &fromDb.dLength, &fromDb.dFormFactor) == 4) … Read more