[Solved] Fetching VB Variables to insert with SQL Query [closed]

To link VB variables to an SQL query, you need to add parameters that store the variables and then use those parameters in your SQL command: Using parameters MyCommand = New SqlCommand(“SELECT Height, Weight, DoB, Gender, FROM `User` WHERE Username = @Username”, DatabaseConnection) MyCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@Username”, Username) UPDATE: How to connect to database ‘Leads to the database … Read more

[Solved] Combining two exe files [closed]

The only good solution is to port the oldest code (2006) to VS2010 (or both project to newer compilers), and compile a new executable from a fresh solution where you combine both projects as you wish. As commented, merging two executables makes little sense in general (what is the entry point ? What about conflicting … Read more

[Solved] C# in Visual Studio [closed]

You may start with the largest number first, something like: foreach(number in positiveNumberArray) { if (number > 50) Console.WriteLine(“Out of Range”); else if(number > 40) Console.WriteLine(“Range 40-50”); else if(number > 30) Console.WriteLine(“Range 30-40”); else if(number > 20) Console.WriteLine(“Range 20-30”); else if(number > 10) Console.WriteLine(“Range 10-20”); else Console.WriteLine(“Range 0-10”); } Edit: To count the up the … Read more

[Solved] Is there a way to specify C++ compatibility level for Microsoft C++ compiler?

As of Visual C++ 2015 Update 3, it is now possible to specify a language version for language behavior (apparently it doesn’t affect just conformance checking): https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2016/06/07/standards-version-switches-in-the-compiler/ Unfortunately the only options are “C++14” (not exact, it includes post-C++14 features which had previously shipped) and “C++ Latest” (C++14 plus partial implementation of C++17 and proposals, but … Read more