[Solved] How to search a string of key/value pairs in Java

Use String.split: String[] kvPairs = “key1=value1;key2=value2;key3=value3”.split(“;”); This will give you an array kvPairs that contains these elements: key1=value1 key2=value2 key3=value3 Iterate over these and split them, too: for(String kvPair: kvPairs) { String[] kv = kvPair.split(“=”); String key = kv[0]; String value = kv[1]; // Now do with key whatever you want with key and value… … Read more

[Solved] Javascript Regex for decimal [duplicate]

Use this regex it will work var regex = /^\d{5}\.\d{2}$/; var num = ‘23445.09’; console.log(regex.test(num)); // True var num2 = ‘12345.6’ console.log(regex.test(num)); // False Demo : https://jsbin.com/wasefa/edit?html,js,console,output 5 solved Javascript Regex for decimal [duplicate]

[Solved] Regular Expression for numbers?

The regular expression that will match one or more numerals in succession is: \d+ You could apply it this way: Regex.Matches(myString, @”\d+”) Which will return a collection of MatchCollection object. This will contain the matched values. You could use it like so: var matches = Regex.Matches(myString, @”\d+”); if (matches.Count == 0) return null; var nums … Read more

[Solved] Regular expression for date shown as YYYY

The “basic” regex matching just the year field is \d{4} but it is not enough. We must prohibit that before the year occurs: 3 letters (month) and a space, then 2 digits (day) and a space. This can be achieved with negative lookbehind: (?<!\w{3} \d{2} ) But note that: after the day field there can … Read more

[Solved] Extracting two numbers from a string using java

For this you don’t even need regex. Just split the String and call the right indices: String latLongString = “Tracking info Latitude: 3.9574667 Longitude: 7.44882167″; //yours obviously won’t be hardcoded String[] split = latLongString.split(” “); String lat = split[3]; String lon = split[5]; solved Extracting two numbers from a string using java

[Solved] Regex match between two characters

You can use this: ([^\/]+)(?=”$) It will match anything after the last slash up to a quotation mark at the end of the line “$ (without including it in the match). Demo: https://regex101.com/r/mY9nI1/1 4 solved Regex match between two characters

[Solved] How to create list of jpg urls from file?

Have a look on the option “-o” (–only-matching) of grep command. By default grep keep lines that match the given pattern. With the option ‘-o’, grep will keep only the part of the line that match your url pattern 0 solved How to create list of jpg urls from file?