[Solved] ” Missing ; before statement ” In a long code [closed]

I have updated the function… check now? navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position){ var long = position.coords.longitude; var lat = position.coords.latitude; var theDateC = new Date(); var D = (367*theDateC.getFullYear())-(parseInt((7/4)*(theDateC.getFullYear+parseInt((theDateC.getMonth()+9)/12))))+parseInt(275*(theDateC.getMonth()/9))+theDateC.getDate()-730531.5; var L = 280.461+0.9856474*D; var M = 357.528+0.9856003*D; var Lambda = L +1.915*Math.sin(M)+0.02*Math.sin(2*M); var Obliquity = 23.439-0.0000004*D; var Alpha = Math.atan (Math.cos(Obliquity)*Math.tan(Lambda)); Alpha = Alpha – (360 * parseInt(Alpha/360)); Alpha … Read more

[Solved] Math brackets in python? [closed]

You don’t need “math” brackets — just use nested parentheses. Humans use [] in writing out complex math expressions to make them more readable to other humans, but this isn’t necessary. They don’t mean anything different than regular parentheses. So, when writing code, just stick to the parentheses. solved Math brackets in python? [closed]

[Solved] Why isn’t my math right

It is not clear why you expect this code to behave differently. Look at these lines: var ExchangeRate = c.GrabBTCAmount(); var AmountInBTC = (c.USDtoBTC(15000, ExchangeRate)); var AmountAtMarket = (AmountInBTC * ExchangeRate); If I inline USDtoBTC and inline everything to calculate AmountAtMarket the formula would be AmountAtMarket = (15000 / ExchangeRate) * ExchangeRate So you should … Read more

[Solved] Why isn’t my math right

Introduction Math is a subject that can be difficult to understand and master. It requires a lot of practice and dedication to get it right. Unfortunately, even with all the practice and dedication, sometimes math can still be confusing and mistakes can be made. If you are having trouble understanding why your math isn’t right, … Read more

[Solved] complex numbers [closed]

You could use Scheme, it’s a nice Lisp-like language that has built-in support for complex numbers. Also, since in Scheme data is code, it is really easy to turn user input into executable code. Chicken Scheme is a popular variant. Other popular languages with built-in complex number support are: R: use i as suffix for … Read more

[Solved] Calc many value with many arithmetic operators c++ [closed]

Writing a calculator is not an easy task, as there is more involved: Operator Precedence Grouping Evaluating of expressions Operator Precedence Operator precedence is the grouping of operations, such as performing all multiplication and division before addition and subtraction. A calculator program should handle precedence without parenthesis (grouping). Grouping A more advanced calculator will allow … Read more

[Solved] C++ pow(400,-9) is giving wrong answer [closed]

calculator output of 4E-7 You entered the wrong calculation into your calculator. You entered 400×10-9, instead of 400-9.These are absolutely not the same thing! The C++ program is correct: pow(400, -9) calculates 400-9, which is approximately 3.815×10-24. Here is some further reading for you: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_notation#E_notation 7 solved C++ pow(400,-9) is giving wrong answer [closed]