[Solved] Java 8 comparator not working

The comparator seems correct. The problem seems to be in your filter clause, where you compare the event id to the device id lastDeviceEvent = deviceEvents .stream() .filter (o -> o.getDeviceId().equals(deviceId)) // Original code used getId() .sorted(comparing((DeviceEvent de) -> de.getId()).reversed()) .findFirst() .get(); solved Java 8 comparator not working

[Solved] incompatible types: int[] cannot be converted to java.util.List

You’re returning List<Integer>, but you’re creating an int[]. They’re completely different things! try this instead: private static List<Integer> randomIntegerArray(int n) { List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { list.add((int) Math.random()); // always returns 0 } return list; } Or if you definitely want to use an array, change … Read more

[Solved] Unclear python syntax [duplicate]

The for loops are nested, from left to right. You can write it out as regular loops like this: words = [] for line in open(‘words.txt’, ‘r’): for word in line.split(): words.append(word) So the expression before the for loops is the final value added to the produced list, and all the for loops (and any … Read more

[Solved] What is the answer to this list? [closed]

This is a really bad question. However, The last line in your code will fail with This expression was expected to have type int list list but here has type int .. because :: concatenates an element to a list. It can only do it from the front because the list is a singly linked … Read more

[Solved] Splitting to words in a list of strings

A very minimal example: stops = {‘remove’, ‘these’, ‘words’} strings = [‘please do not remove these words’, ‘removal is not cool’, ‘please please these are the bees\’ knees’, ‘there are no stopwords here’] strings_cleaned = [‘ ‘.join(word for word in s.split() if word not in stops) for s in strings] Or you could do: strings_cleaned … Read more

[Solved] How to search a list and return the specific strings and data associated with it using Java

public HashMap<String, List<String>> getSortedHashMapForEmployees(string searchKeyword,List<yourDtoFromDB> orginalListFromDB) { HashMap<String, List<String>>hashmap=new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); for (List<yourDtoFromDB> orginalList : orginalListFromDB) { if(orginalList.getName().contains(searchKeyword)) { List<String>accountNo=new ArrayList<String>(); if(hashmap.containsKey(orginalList.getName())) { accountNo=hashmap.get(orginalList.getName()); } accountNo.add(orginalList.getAccountNo()); hashmap.put(orginalList.getName(), accountNo); } } return hashmap; } 3 solved How to search a list and return the specific strings and data associated with it using Java

[Solved] Search for folders that doesn’t contain file with a wanted name

Try executing this in the directory containing all your movies’ folders : $language = Read-Host “Language to search for” foreach ($folder in (dir -Directory)) { if (-not (Get-ChildItem -Path “$($folder.Name)/*.$language.srt”)) { “Missing $language subtitle for $($folder.Name)” } } 0 solved Search for folders that doesn’t contain file with a wanted name