[Solved] Scala extends Java Interface with type
object ServiceImplementation extends MyService[String] { … } would be an example. solved Scala extends Java Interface with type
object ServiceImplementation extends MyService[String] { … } would be an example. solved Scala extends Java Interface with type
There are multiple things. One is that some of your code is unnecessary. public Dice(int dice1 /*, int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f*/ ){ this.dice1 = dice1; //this.a = a; //this.b = b; //this.c = c; //this.d = d; //this.e = e; //this.f = f; } You don’t need … Read more
It seems EmployeeDAO is not being injected in EmployeeServiceImpl, wire EmployeeDAO using @Autowire or @Inject, Second EmployeeDAOImpl has not been declared a component (not sure if you have declared already in xml) so declare it with @Repository and also @Autowire SessionFactory. Hope this will do.. 1 solved Spring MVC Service class NullPointerException [closed]
Maybe the right code is: public double getTotalBalance(ArrayList<BankAccount> accounts) { double sum = 0; while (accounts.size() > 0) { BankAccount account = accounts.remove(0); // Not recommended sum = sum + account.getBalance(); } return sum; } solved Java code will not compile [closed]
The size, isEmpty, get, set, iterator, and listIterator operations run in constant time. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/ArrayList.html 3 solved Time complexity of ArrayList traversal
It depends on the type that employee.getdate_of_birth() returns. If its a LocalDate, you can do employee.getdate_of_birth().plusYears(maxage). There are similar methods for days, months and seconds. 7 solved How to add 25 years(integer variable) to a date field in java [duplicate]
To find the average in the given array and find the number which is closest to the average, public static void main(String[] args) { int array[] = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; int sum=0; double avg; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { sum += … Read more
byte i=-1; From comments: Unsigned right-shifting, in Java, causes unary promotion to int: the byte 0xff becomes the int 0xffffffff, which is then right-shifted to 0x7fffffff and narrowed to 0xff for storage. 3 solved Import some code so that loop become infinite? [closed]
In the public static String Calculate() function, you need to return return sgrade; and currently, you are not returning any object, but the method calls for the return of a string. Also, remove String sgrade = d.readLine(); from line 199 (in the addData function). This is causing problems, because you are defining a new variable … Read more
you could use this pattern (===.*===[\s\S]*?)(?====|$)Demo 0 solved Regex to extract a paragraph
Try this implementation. for (int =642331; i > 0; –i) { values [i] = 21*i ; } 1 solved Java Program multiples of a number
You can know how many whitespaces user entered by doing this: Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println(“Enter word with white-spaces:”); String str = sc.nextLine(); int totalSpace = str.split(” “).length-1; System.out.println(“total white-spaces is:”+totalSpace); Edit: You can solve you problem by changing your while condition like this: while(!(guessedSpaces.replaceAll(“\\d”,””).length()==3 && guessedSpaces.split(” “).length-1==3)){ ….. ….. System.out.println(“Enter word with white-spaces:”); … Read more
Always use AsyncTask to solve this issue. BUT, if you’re within the movie Swordfish, someone points a gun at you and say “fix it in 30 seconds”, then change your targetSdkVersion to 9 in the Android Manifest and the exception will stop. Don’t worry, it will run on devices with version higher than 9 too. … Read more
I assume that you want something like this: class B { private int getNum() { return myNumber; } private void setNum(int x) { myNumber = x; } } However, you cannot get access to myNumber from an instance of B, b, by doing b.myNumber. Here’s why. 4 solved Java Inner class – access to the … Read more
Have a look here: Cannot run Eclipse; JVM terminated. Exit code=13 One of the answers is: I had the same error when configuring eclipse.ini to use JRE6. Turns out I caused this error by incorrectly configuring eclipse to use the 64 bit JVM while running a 32 bit version of eclipse 3.7. The correct configuration … Read more