[Solved] Storing content in a buffer [closed]

I guess you’re looking for ArrayList. For example : ArrayList<String> listNodeContent= new ArrayList<String>(); //your code listNodeContent.add(current.getChild(“C”).getContent(0)); Then you can retrieve the content using different methods : ArrayList#get(int index), with an iterator (ArrayList#iterator()) or with a foreach loop : for(String tmp : listNodeContent){ System.out.println(tmp); } 6 solved Storing content in a buffer [closed]

[Solved] addition of positive and negative numbers

The first println is trying to say I’m gonna sum numbers from 1 to 10 but be careful to add the even numbers as negative numbers So as the even numbers are negative, The code is trying to first check if it’s an even number by (j % 2 == 0) If it’s an even … Read more

[Solved] Why aren’t my values transferring over

In your else block in actionPerformed you exit before reaching validate(). The problem is probably the following: You are adding the numOweLbl to your UI, but you never set the text of it to totalOwed. Before you do container.add(numOweLbl) you need to set its text. numOweLbl.setText(totalOwed) solved Why aren’t my values transferring over

[Solved] How to correctly initialize a list member object in Java

The first constructor: public Book(String bookname, String authorName) { mBookName = bookname; mAuthorName = authorName; mPageList = new ArrayList<>(); } Then you will have a new book without any page The second constructor: public Book(String bookname, String authorName, List<Page> pageList) { mBookName = bookname; mAuthorName = authorName; mPageList = pageList; } You will have a … Read more

[Solved] Find the smallest number have 3 integer roots?

Your if condition is not correct ! Your code should be : public static void main(String [] args){ BigInteger i = new BigInteger(“2”); double sqroot, cuberoot, fifthroot; while(true) { sqroot = Math.sqrt(i.floatValue()); cuberoot = Math.cbrt(i.floatValue()); fifthroot = Math.pow(i.floatValue(),1/5.0d); System.out.print(“i = “+i); if(Math.floor(sqroot)==sqroot && Math.floor(cuberoot)==cuberoot && Math.floor(fifthroot)==fifthroot){ break; } i= i.add(new BigInteger(“1”)); } System.out.println(i); } 1 … Read more

[Solved] Erorr with the nullpointer

You do not set next when you create your Nodes, so next is always null. This Node(final Object element, Node prevNode) { this.element = element; prevNode = this; } should be Node(final Object element, Node prevNode) { this.element = element; prevNode.next = this; } solved Erorr with the nullpointer

[Solved] Passing a variable from parent to child class in Java

The variable firstname1 is a local variable. You can’t access it outside its scope – the method. What you can do is pass a copy of the reference to your subclass. Since you’re calling a static method, the easiest way is to pass the reference as an argument to the method call: @Test public static … Read more

[Solved] what is java.net.IDN class in 1.6 [closed]

From the documentation: Provides methods to convert internationalized domain names (IDNs) between a normal Unicode representation and an ASCII Compatible Encoding (ACE) representation. solved what is java.net.IDN class in 1.6 [closed]

[Solved] Java Package Name Validation

That’s because import java.util.HashMap; Hashmap refers to the class, not the package. It reads that : Hashmap is a class found within the package of java.util Here’s the actual package and class in question: solved Java Package Name Validation