[Solved] C++ Loops forever [closed]

A do–while statement loops as long as the while expression is true. Your while expression is choice != ‘c’ || choice != ‘n’ In common English, that expression means choice is not ‘c’ OR choice is not ‘n’ That statement, logically, is always true. choice is always not one of those things. In both English … Read more

[Solved] Comparing two textboxes with datetime value in jquery

Something like this ? function onChange(sender, txt, departed) { var txtArrival = $(“#txtArrivalDate”); var txtArrivalDate = $(txtArrival).val(); //Value from arrival var txtDate = $(txt).val(); //Value from departed var departureDate = new Date(txtDate); //Converting string to date var arrivalDate = new Date(txtArrivalDate); //Converting string to date if (departureDate.getTime() < arrivalDate.getTime()) { txt.val(txtArrivalDate); //Does not work, value … Read more

[Solved] mySQL data type for form elements

1) you will get string as the value of radio so it will be varchar type 2) for check boxes any one can have multiple values so you need to create a separate table(working_project) for this values( data type will be same as radio) and another table for mapping(user_working_project) user_working_project table will containing user id … Read more

[Solved] Processing Input file in c

I am unsure what problems you are having exactly but I can see the following errors in the code: In the initialise_list() function the for loop will be iterating too many times and going beyond the bounds the of array: for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(list); i++) { as sizeof(list) will return the number … Read more

[Solved] Nested list doesn’t work properly

I think the problem is the assignment equation = eqn. Since eqn is a list, it is a mutable and thus passed as a reference, when you assign a mutable, the variable actually contains a pointer to that object. This means that equation and eqn are the same list. You should from copy import deepcopy … Read more

[Solved] Accept arbitrary multi-line input of String type and store it in a variable

From what I gather, you’re trying to get input from a user until that user types -1. If thats the case, please see my function below. public static void main (String[] args) { // Scanner is used for I/O Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); // Prompt user to enter text System.out.println(“Enter something “); // Get … Read more

[Solved] Input from a file [closed]

You can read all data at a moment: with open(input_file, ‘r’, encoding=’utf-8′) as f: data = f.read() You can read all data line-by-line: with open(input_file, ‘r’, encoding=’utf-8′) as f: for line in f.readlines(): # todo smth solved Input from a file [closed]

[Solved] I can’t reach the value of the input [closed]

The code you wrote will function correctly. However when copied directly into an editor it will throw a “Cannot read property ‘value’ of null” error. For some reason there is an issue with the way your quotation marks are being rendered and its rendering characters that aren’t actual quotation marks. Try using single quotes: <input … Read more

[Solved] How to input integer numbers with space in between

int x; while(cin>>x) { store the number one by one } //process Simply do it this way. Store the numbers in the array. Or you can do it this way- string s; getline(cin,s); std::stringstream myss; myss<<s; std::string t; int x; std::vector<int> v; while(std::getline(myss,t,’ ‘)) { if(std::stringstream(t)>>x) { // store x in an vector. v.push_back(x); } … Read more

[Solved] Javascript – verify empty inputs

you have an error in your code, there is one closing bracket too much change if (document.form[‘form’][‘name’].value != “” && document.form[‘form’][‘city’].value != “” )) { to if (document.form[‘form’][‘name’].value != “” && document.form[‘form’][‘city’].value != “” ) { 1 solved Javascript – verify empty inputs

[Solved] How to put an input in a function

You are never defining the function you’re trying to call. You’re printing from the function but never returning a value, thus your variable “a” will never get a value. Take a look at this, hopefully you’ll see where you went wrong: def odd(x): if int(x) % 2 == 0: return(“this number is even”) else: return(“this … Read more