[Solved] How to store array in table split by array_chunk in php? [closed]

You need to change your foreach to this to allow for the creation of new Model instance for each record set. foreach ($matches as $value) { $share_holder_info = new ShareHolderInfo(); $share_holder_info->trad_id = $rand_id; $share_holder_info->name = $value[0]; $share_holder_info->address = $value[1]; $share_holder_info->shares = $value[2]; $share_holder_info->save(); } You will need to change it to what ever your actual … Read more

[Solved] PHP – Why there is a difference in the output of the echo statement and the print_r() function when viewed in a browser? Please explain

PHP – Why there is a difference in the output of the echo statement and the print_r() function when viewed in a browser? Please explain solved PHP – Why there is a difference in the output of the echo statement and the print_r() function when viewed in a browser? Please explain

[Solved] How do I compare mathematical operations between values in two columns of an R data frame based on their position?

We get the index of column names that start with ‘pd’ (nm1). Loop through those columns with lapply, match each column with the ‘nom’ column to get the row index. Using ifelse, we change the NA elements with the column values and the rest of the values from the ‘ID’ column. nm1 <- grep(‘^pd’, names(df1)) … Read more

[Solved] PHP arrays, getting to loop index information

I’m making an assumption about the true layout of your array, the following will create a $weekDays array to map an integer and a day of the week (I define the keys so you can shift them at any time): $weekDays = (1=>’Monday’, 2=>’Tuesday’, 3=>’Wednesday’, 4=>’Thursday’, 5=>’Friday’, 6=>’Saturday’, 7=>’Sunday’); // loop through each week-day in … Read more

[Solved] How optimize while in while code? [duplicate]

If you need all of them as ids (which includes a string which is weird). Consider this example: $text=”12-10-4-32-45-name-sara-x-y-86″; $text = array_unique(explode(‘-‘, $text)); // just in case there are duplicate ids $statement=”SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `pid` IN(“”.implode(‘”, “‘, $text).'”) ORDER BY `id` LIMIT 3’; // should be like this // SELECT * FROM `table` … Read more

[Solved] if statement in a foreach loop c# [closed]

You dealing with type string not char. So update single quotes to double quotes: foreach (User user in this.oSkype.Friends) { if (user.OnlineStatus == “olsOffline”) { this.listBoxControl1.Items.Add(user.Handle + ” Offline”); } else { this.listBoxControl1.Items.Add(user.Handle + ” Online”); } } 1 solved if statement in a foreach loop c# [closed]

[Solved] How can I foreach this array object?

Here You go: <?php $list = (object)[]; $list->egame = [ (object)[‘platform_name’=>’TT’, ‘game’=>(object)[(object)[‘game_name’=>’game1’, ‘info’=>’test1’],(object)[‘game_name’=>’game2’, ‘info’=>’test2’],(object)[‘game_name’=>’game3’, ‘info’=>’test3’]]], (object)[‘platform_name’=>’TG’, ‘game’=>(object)[(object)[‘game_name’=>’game4’, ‘info’=>’test4’],(object)[‘game_name’=>’game5’, ‘info’=>’test5’]]], (object)[‘platform_name’=>’TBIN’, ‘game’=>(object)[(object)[‘game_name’=>’game6’, ‘info’=>’test6’]]] ]; foreach ( $list->egame as $eg ) { foreach ( $eg->game as $game ) { echo “game: ” . $game->game_name . ” info: ” . $game->info . “<br>”; } } ?> Edit #1 … Read more