[Solved] Getting the number value of characters in a word and to do arithmetic operations with the number for encoding [closed]

The most analagous way to do it the way you describe it would be to use two variables left (l) and right (r) that will iterate the string and get their base values using ord(char) – ord(‘a’) + 1: my_string = “World” my_string = my_string.lower() l = 0 r = len(my_string)-1 total = 0 while … Read more

[Solved] looping given max and range

public static void loopingIssue(Integer totalItems, Integer range) { IntStream.range(0, totalItems).filter(i -> i % range == 0) .mapToObj(e -> mapToGroup(e, totalItems, range)) .forEach(System.out::print); } public static String mapToGroup(Integer e, Integer totalItems, Integer maxRange) { if (e + maxRange >= totalItems) { return e + “-” + (totalItems – 1); } else { return e + “-” … Read more

[Solved] % (examples in loop) [closed]

One particular use is to check even / odd: for($i=0; $i<10; $i++) { if($i%2==0) echo “even” else echo “odd” } This idea could be used to color rows (tr) of a table differently for better presentation. Another use is to close TR dynamically in a complex code (lets say, change tr after every 4 tds). … Read more

[Solved] New version of doing a for loop?

I don’t think this loop is a good candidate for a foreach loop. If you were to do so, it would look something like this: var codeLengths = new[] { 4, 3, 2, 1 }; foreach (length in codeLengths) { if(xmlGenioCodes.SelectSingleNode(String.Format(“GenioCodes[Code =\”{0}\”]”, strCodeMX.Substring(0, length))) != null) { strCodeMXLayer = strCodeMX.Substring(0, length); break; } } EDIT … Read more

[Solved] Python 3- assigns grades [duplicate]

You defined your function to be getScore() but you’re calling getScores(), so as would be expected this throws an error because the function you’re calling doesn’t actually exist / hasn’t been defined. Addendum: Since you changed your question, after fixing the previous error. Likewise you’re calling grades, but grades is defined in your other function … Read more