[Solved] How to save results from the game to text file [closed]

I’ve created a basic class for you that will save the wins to a text file and retrieve them from a text file. import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.Scanner; public class WinsFileManager { String path = System.getProperty(“user.home”).replace(“\\”, “\\\\”) + “\\”; public int getWins(String fileName) { String fullPath = path + fileName; int wins … Read more

[Solved] Low-level read file [closed]

The function you’re looking for is called “read”. You have to pass it a buffer you’ve already allocated previously, however. Something like this ought to work: if (fd) { char buffer[1024]; int n = read(fd, buffer, 1024); /* … */ } after that call, n will contain the number of bytes read from the fd … Read more

[Solved] Specifying a path for a user defined file name [closed]

By default, the file gets created where ever the project files are for visual studio. because of $(ProjectDir) specified in Working Directory setting. consider: right-click on your project -> Properties -> configuration properties -> Debugging -> Working Directory always make sure you are changing/viewing the active configuration and active platform setting in that window by … Read more

[Solved] Count certain values of file in python

Here, you can try this one: summation = 0 with open(“test.txt”, “r”) as infile: for line in infile: newLine = line.split(“, “) summation = summation + int(newLine[3]) print(summation) Output: 3784 The contents of test.txt file are structured like this: [52639 – 2017-12-08 11:56:58,680] INFO main.master 251 Finished pre-smap protein tag (‘4h02′, [], 35000, 665, ’67’) … Read more

[Solved] File not opening past NUL byte

There is a problem with windows, that nul-bytes terminates any text-string. So Windows stops printing at the first \0. You can use repr to print escape characters. solved File not opening past NUL byte

[Solved] Java / Javascript : File Comparison line by line while ignoring certain section

java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException comes from this code: for (int i = 0; i < strLine1.length(); i++) { if (strLine1.charAt(i) != strLine2.charAt(i)) { System.out.println(“char not same at ” + i); } } When you scroll larger String strLine to an index, that is greater than the length of strLine2 (second file is smaller than the first) you get … Read more

[Solved] “Cut out” a specific Text of a file and put it into a string

You can extract the keys and the values and push them into a dictionary that you can later easily access like this: var text = “[Name]{ExampleName} [Path]{ExamplePath} [Author]{ExampleAuthor}”; // You can use regex to extract the Value/Pair var rgx = new Regex(@”\[(?<key>[a-zA-Z]+)\]{(?<value>[a-zA-Z]+)}”, RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace); var matches = rgx.Matches(text); // Now you can add the values to … Read more

[Solved] How to set path of a text file created by an visual studio 2010 application?

The folder where the executable resides is: string executableLocation = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName( System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); And so you want to save your file to: System.IO.Path.Combine(executableLocation, “myfile.txt”); 3 solved How to set path of a text file created by an visual studio 2010 application?

[Solved] C binary read and write file

Okay, I don’t really understand what’s going on, but it seems that you cannot trust fseek with SEEK_CUR when using with read/write files in that case (I’m running Windows, and the standard functions are notoriously different from Linux that may be the issue) EDIT: Andrew’s answer confirms my suspicions. My solution complies to what the … Read more

[Solved] How to name a file using a value in a list in a dictionary?

Something like this: dictionary = {‘results’: [{‘name’: ‘sarah’, ‘age’: ’18’}]} name = dictionary[‘results’][0][‘names’] + ‘.txt’ open(name, “w”) Opening a file in the write mode, if it doesn’t exist already, will create a new file with that name. 2 solved How to name a file using a value in a list in a dictionary?

[Solved] Determining the Parent Folder of a given Path in C#

You can use Directory.GetParent. .. which returns a DirectoryInfo and you can get the Name or FullName var info = Directory.GetParent(@”directory_path”); var name = info.Name; //this will give parentdirectory var fullName = info.FullName; //this will give pages/parentdirectory solved Determining the Parent Folder of a given Path in C#