[Solved] Specifying a path for a user defined file name [closed]

By default, the file gets created where ever the project files are for visual studio. because of $(ProjectDir) specified in Working Directory setting. consider:

right-click on your project -> Properties -> configuration properties -> Debugging -> Working Directory

always make sure you are changing/viewing the active configuration and active platform setting in that window by dropdown lists on top of the window.
this is the path Visual Studio uses as the current working directory when you start the program using Visual Studio(F5).

if you run the .exe from directly from the debug/release folder it will create the file just in the .exe file path which is your current working directory.

you can change the mentioned setting to $(OutputPath) to make identical behavior by Visual Studio either Run the Program by F5 or by double-clicking the .exe file


solved Specifying a path for a user defined file name [closed]