[Solved] Convert String into ArrayList

You can do something like. If you cant guarantee the string formats then you may have to add additional checks for spliced array length and indexing. import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; class CustomClass { String name; int num1; int num2; int num3; public CustomClass(String name, int num1, int num2, int num3) { … Read more

[Solved] How to check if a IEnumerable is sorted?

One example of such method could be: static bool IsSorted<T>(IEnumerable<T> enumerable) where T : IComparable<T> { T prev = default(T); bool prevSet = false; foreach (var item in enumerable) { if (prevSet && (prev == null || prev.CompareTo(item) > 0)) return false; prev = item; prevSet = true; } return true; } Works with most … Read more

[Solved] How to make Java Set? [closed]

Like this: import java.util.*; Set<Integer> a = new HashSet<Integer>(); a.add( 1); a.add( 2); a.add( 3); Or adding from an Array/ or multiple literals; wrap to a list, first. Integer[] array = new Integer[]{ 1, 4, 5}; Set<Integer> b = new HashSet<Integer>(); b.addAll( Arrays.asList( b)); // from an array variable b.addAll( Arrays.asList( 8, 9, 10)); // … Read more

[Solved] How to get count of number elements which are greater than current element in an arraylist [closed]

You can do this: public void greaterCounter(List<Integer> input){ for (Integer i : input){ Integer count = 0; for (Integer j : input){ if (i < j) count++; } System.out.print(i+”,”+count+” “); } } 2 solved How to get count of number elements which are greater than current element in an arraylist [closed]

[Solved] How to create list with combination of two list elements in java

I made a working solution, please find below. public class TestClass { static ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> fullData = new ArrayList<>(); static ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> finalList = new ArrayList<>(); static int listTwocounter = 0; public static void main(String[] args) { int listOne[] = {1, 2, 3}; int listTwo[] = {7, 8, 9}; int listOneCombination = 2; int listOneSize = 3; … Read more

[Solved] How do i convert a Set into 2D array in java? [closed]

Let be a: public class MyClassWhithFourFields { String field1; int field2; Object field3; double field4; } Now you can declare a set with this template: Set<MyClassWhithFourFields> mySet = new HashSet<MyClassWhithFourFields>(); In your Set are your objects, which has 4 fields. If you want to declare a 2 dimension array, than what type should be? – … Read more

[Solved] How to iterate complicated List of Maps containing Maps

How about this? ArrayList<HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> m : list) { for (Map.Entry<String, HashMap<String, String>> e : m.entrySet()) { String key1 = e.getKey(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> me : e.getValue().entrySet()) { String key2 = me.getKey(); String value = me.getValue(); } } } Note that you really should be using … Read more