[Solved] Converting binary to octal using strings

To group characters by 3, first count how many there are: int num_of_binary_digits = strlen(binarni); This may not be divisible by 3. For example: Binary string: 00001111 Subdivided into groups of 3: 00|001|111 To count the number of octal digits, divide by 3 with rounding up: int num_of_octal_digits = (num_of_binary_digits + 2) / 3; To … Read more

[Solved] Get unreadable string from GPS tracker

Its really some binary information and If you have clearly read out the product manual then it says formation of this binaries. Converting the data to hex will give something like this.. 24-41-20-20-67-72-51-30-35-41-68-40-91-29-3F-3F-3F-FF-FF-FB-FF-FF-3F-3F- And then you need to refer the manual for exact meaning of these hex numbers ex–(in some chinese devices) 2 bytes(24), stand … Read more

[Solved] Adding Binary number in java

dec1 = decimal number representation of num1(binary) k = binary factor dec1 = dec1 + (num1%10) * k; Here he is building the decimal number from binary number. (num1%10) gives the last digit of the number. Ex: num1 = 110 First iteration: dec1 = 0 +(110 %10) *1 dec1 = 0 k = 1*2 Second … Read more