[Solved] How can I create a method of finding the total number of possible combinations using a dynamic format [closed]

I being a number, there is 10 possibilities. S being a character, there is 26 possibilities. The total number of combinations is 10 power (TheNumberOfI) * 26 power (TheNumberOfS) This can be dynamically solved using a simple function that counts the number of S and the number of I and uses the results in the … Read more

[Solved] Algorithm (especially for c++) to show Every Permutation

You want all permutations of each member of the powerset of the input. permSub(“abc”, “”) func permSub(input, perm) print perm if input = “” return for i = 0 to input.length-1 permSub(input[0..i]+input[i+1..input.length), perm+input[i] end end Where input[i..j] represents the sub string of input from i(inclusive) to j(exclusive), and + is string concatenation. Note that this … Read more

[Solved] Next permutation algorithm c# and linq [closed]

You could try following code, it uses private field to stroe all permutations generated by methods finding permutations: private static List<string> _permutations = new List<string>(); public static Main(string[] args) { string testString = “abc”; TestMethod(testString); // You need to handle case when you have last permuation in a list string nextPermutation = _permutations[_permutations.IndexOf(testString) + 1]; … Read more

[Solved] java progaram for permutations of two inputs, one string and one integer [closed]

import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; public class Permutation { static int c; List<String> permutations = new LinkedList<String>(); Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in); String input =sc.nextLine(); int conbinationSize = sc.nextInt(); boolean[] isChoosed = new boolean[input.length()]; public void generateCombination(String partialOutput) { if (partialOutput.length() == conbinationSize) { permutations.add(partialOutput); c++; return; } for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); … Read more

[Solved] creating new slice by appending to existing slice in golang

Here slice nums[:i] is created by slicing a bigger array nums. This leads to it having enough capacity to extend in place. So an operation like append(nums[:i], nums[i+1:]…) causes the elements in nums getting overridden by elements from nums[i+1:]. This mutates the original array and hence the behaviour. As suggested by @icza the concept has … Read more

[Solved] How do I check elements of the list here [closed]

The definition of valid_list should be out of the for loop, otherwise it will be overwritten. Besides, use a flag_valid to indicate whether the invalid elements exist. Try this code: from itertools import permutations def code(): valid_list = [] for line,lists in enumerate(permutations(range(4))): flag_valid = True for index,elements in enumerate(lists): if index != len(lists) – … Read more

[Solved] Getting all possible combination for [1,0] with length 3 [0,0,0] to [1,1,1]

You’re looking for a Cartesian product, not a combination or permutation of [0, 1]. For that, you can use itertools.product. from itertools import product items = [0, 1] for item in product(items, repeat=3): print(item) This produces the output you’re looking for (albeit in a slightly different order): (0, 0, 0) (0, 0, 1) (0, 1, … Read more

[Solved] Perl : Get array of all possible cases of a string

If you’re aiming to use if for glob anyway then you can use glob‘s built-in pattern generation my $filename=”File.CSV”; my $test = $filename =~ s/([a-z])/sprintf ‘{%s,%s}’, uc($1), lc($1)/iegr; say $test, “\n”; say for glob $test; output {F,f}{I,i}{L,l}{E,e}.{C,c}{S,s}{V,v} FILE.CSV FILE.CSv FILE.CsV FILE.Csv FILE.cSV FILE.cSv FILE.csV FILE.csv FILe.CSV FILe.CSv FILe.CsV FILe.Csv FILe.cSV FILe.cSv FILe.csV FILe.csv FIlE.CSV FIlE.CSv … Read more

[Solved] Fastest possible generation of permutation with defined element values in Python

You just copied the code from the itertools.permutations() documentation. That explicitly states that it is roughly equivalent, because it is only there to help you understand what itertools.permutations() does. The code is not intended to be used in production settings. Use itertools.permutations() itself. The itertools module is designed for maximum efficiency already. The module is … Read more