[Solved] Convert binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal values between each other in BASH / Shell [duplicate]

Convert binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal values between each other in BASH with bc and printf Some relevant Q&A: Understand “ibase” and “obase” in case of conversions with bc? TL;DR: ibase and obase params order matters, but not always. Hex values must be in UPPERCASE. Convert a character from and to its decimal, binary, octal, … Read more

[Solved] How to convert decimal into octal in objective c

You have to initialize a new NSString object using the right format specifier. Like : int i = 9; NSString *octalString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@”%o”, i]; // %O works too. This will create an autoreleased NSString object containing octal string representation of i. In case you start from a NSString containing a decimal number representation, you … Read more

[Solved] Converting binary to octal using strings

To group characters by 3, first count how many there are: int num_of_binary_digits = strlen(binarni); This may not be divisible by 3. For example: Binary string: 00001111 Subdivided into groups of 3: 00|001|111 To count the number of octal digits, divide by 3 with rounding up: int num_of_octal_digits = (num_of_binary_digits + 2) / 3; To … Read more