[Solved] How to create a batch file that checks if EXACTLY four specific files/folders exist in a folder?

Here is a method. We first count the files, then we test the files.

@echo off & set cnt=0
for /f %%i in ('dir /b') do set /a cnt+=1
if %cnt% equ 4 if exist f1 if exist f2 if exist dir1 if exist dir2 echo All Good!

and some light error generations:

@echo off & set cnt=0
for /f %%i in ('dir /b ^| findstr /v "%0"') do set /a cnt+=1
if not %cnt% equ 4 echo oops, too many files/dirs, I count %cnt% && goto :eof
if exist f1 if exist f2 if exist dir1 if exist dir2 echo All good && goto :eof
echo one or more files do not match your if statement

and one last method using find to not utilize a for loop.

@echo off
dir /b | find /c /v "" | findstr "\<4\>"
if errorlevel 1 echo oops, too many files/dirs, I count %cnt% && goto :eof
if exist f1 if exist f2 if exist dir1 if exist dir2 echo All good && goto :eof
echo one or more files do not match your if statement

Notes taken from this answer’s comments:

  1. @echo off & set cnt=0 are integrated into a single line just to reduce the number of lines. No other reason.
  2. findstr /v "%0" is only needed if the batch file itself could be in the same folder, as that command simply excludes the batch file itself as part of the file count.


solved How to create a batch file that checks if EXACTLY four specific files/folders exist in a folder?