[Solved] How to write an if(or switch) statement to check all the values of an array in one go in php [closed]

You can compare them like this: $testing = Array(true, true, true); if($testing == array(true, true, true)){ //do something }else if ($testing == array(true, true, false)){ //do something else } You don’t need to use the same variable $testing again. Just create a new array to compare it with. 1 solved How to write an if(or … Read more

[Solved] Error when accessing array – stack around the variable ‘scores’ was corrupted [closed]

It seems that this declaration: int scores[5]; Is incorrect. This creates an array with 5 numbers in it, indices from scores[0-4], however, you constantly refer to score[5], the sixth element of the array throughout your program. I recommend changing to int scores[6]; 2 solved Error when accessing array – stack around the variable ‘scores’ was … Read more

[Solved] C++’s min_element() not working for array [closed]

Note, that std::min_element() returns an iterator to a minimal value, not the value itself. I doubt that you get this error based on the above code alone: assuming proper include directives and using directives the code compiles OK although it would print the address of the minimum element rather than its value. Most likely your … Read more

[Solved] Sort elements by placing elements with odd number index first and even indexes in the end of an array in C [closed]

you can find a typical solution here ` #include<stdio.h> void swap(int *a, int *b); void segregateEvenOdd(int arr[], int size) { /* Initialize left and right indexes */ int left = 0, right = size-1; while (left < right) { /* Increment left index while we see 0 at left */ while (arr[left]%2 == 0 && … Read more

[Solved] PHP: Array key-value, how to show value by key?

<?php $MyArray = array(‘[email protected]’ => array(‘domain.de’,’domain.org’,’domain.eu’),’[email protected]’ => array(‘domain.net’)); foreach ($MyArray as $key => $value) { echo $key . ‘ has ‘. implode(‘, ‘, $value).'<br>’; } ?> output [email protected] has domain.de, domain.org, domain.eu [email protected] has domain.net 1 solved PHP: Array key-value, how to show value by key?

[Solved] Null terminated C character arrays

First, “sample” is called a string literal. It declares a const char array terminated with a null character. Let us go on: char arr[]=”sample”; The right hand part in a const char array of size 7 (6 characters and a ‘\0’. The dimension of arr is deduced from its initialization and is also 7. The … Read more

[Solved] What are the following notations pointing to?

int arr[4][3][2] means arr is 3D array, consists four 2D array, each 2D array having three 1D array and each 1D array having two-two elements. Let’s Have a pictorial representation of arr : Assume arr base address is 0x100. arr[0][0][0] arr[1][0][0] arr[2][0][0] arr[3][0][0] 0x100 0x104 0x108 0x112 0x116 0x120 0x124 0x128 0x132 0x136 0x140 0x144 … Read more

[Solved] String prefix and Suffix separated by “: ” in Swift [closed]

You can use regular expression “(?<!:) ” to replace the white spaces ” ” occurrences where it is not preceded by colon punctuation “:”: let string = “Apple: Fruit Tomato: Vegetable Iron: Material” let pattern = “(?<!:) ” let result = string.replacingOccurrences(of: pattern, with: “\n”, options: .regularExpression) print(result) // “Apple: Fruit\nTomato: Vegetable\nIron: Material\n” solved String … Read more

[Solved] creat empty array of strings

Don’t create individual string array.You can use Arraylist to make a dynamic String array. ArrayList<String> images =new ArrayList<String>(); to insert values.Just use add() method. For example,You want to store iamgeUrls then : images.add(image1); images.add(image2); And to retrieve data use get() method.Example : images.get(position); //where position is the index of imageUrl you want to retrieve. 0 … Read more

[Solved] How to get numbers in a string separated with commas and save each of them in an Array in Javascript [duplicate]

use split & map & parseInt methods. var numbers=”15,14,12,13″; var result=numbers.split(‘,’).map(function(number){ return parseInt(number); }); console.log(‘convert ‘+JSON.stringify(numbers)+” to array:”+JSON.stringify(result)); Use eval method var numbers=”15,14,12,13″; var result=eval(“[“+numbers+”]”); console.log(‘convert ‘+JSON.stringify(numbers)+” to array:”+JSON.stringify(result)); solved How to get numbers in a string separated with commas and save each of them in an Array in Javascript [duplicate]