[Solved] How to add two int array values together?

This kinda works. I can think of a couple of cases where something like this would break, like if the arrays were like {9,9,9} and {9,9,9}, result would be {9,9,8} instead of {1,9,9,8}. It’s a minor fix that is being left as an activity to the reader. public static void main(String []args){ int[] number1 = … Read more

[Solved] Absolute difference between consecutive array elements

By assuming that you have an array like arr[n]: You can define another array to keep differences like diff[n-1] and then you just need a loop like: for(i=0; i<n-1; i++) { diff[i] = abs(arr[i]-arr[i+1]); } Don’t forget to include <stdio.h> and <stdlib.h>. 0 solved Absolute difference between consecutive array elements

[Solved] This question is asked in a coding test. I am unable to find the solution till now [closed]

You could first think about how many operations it would cost to get all values to the highest value in the list. In a second step you can think if there could be a better solution if you try to reach highest-value+1, highest-value+2, highest-value+3, highest-value+4 . solved This question is asked in a coding test. … Read more

[Solved] merge list of nested list to a single list which has lakhs of data python [duplicate]

from itertools import chain l = [[‘password’, ‘_rev’, ‘_id’, ‘username’], [‘password’, ‘_rev’, ‘_id’, ‘username’, ‘name’], [‘password’, ‘_rev’, ‘_id’, ‘username’],[‘password’, ‘_rev’, ‘_id’, ‘username’,’country’]] list(set(chain(*l))) Output – [‘username’, ‘_rev’, ‘_id’, ‘name’, ‘password’, ‘country’] solved merge list of nested list to a single list which has lakhs of data python [duplicate]

[Solved] What does ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException mean and how do I get rid of it? Here is a code sample that triggers the exception: [closed]

From inspection, I can see that your month array is missing the month of May, and therefore only has 11 elements in it. As a result, when you iterate over the 12 elements in the temperature array, you will get an array out of bounds exception during the final temperature, because there is no corresponding … Read more

[Solved] How to transform subobject into a string [closed]

let dt = { “cars” : [ { “id”: 0, “color”: “blue” }, { “id”: 3, “color”: “-” }, { “id”: 0, “color”: { “id”: 0, “color”: “yellow” } } ] }; dt.cars = dt.cars.map(it=> { it.color = typeof it.color == “string” ? it.color : it.color.color; return it; } ) console.log(dt); solved How to transform … Read more

[Solved] How to match values between two objects and create new with specific values

You could use this recursive, pure JavaScript function: The snippet below applies this function to the example data you provided and returns the required result: function extract(data, select, curpath) { var result = {}; // Part of the path that has been traversed to get to data: curpath = curpath || ”; if (typeof data … Read more

[Solved] Ambiguous use of subscript compiler error

You need to tell compiler the type of item, so instead of casting info array to [AnyObject] type cast it to [[String:Any]]. if let imagesArray = info as? [[String:Any]] { for item in imagesArray { if let image = item[UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage] as? UIImage { //Access image instance } } } 6 solved Ambiguous use of subscript … Read more

[Solved] How to Shift an array circularly on VBA [closed]

Option Explicit Option Base 1 Sub shiftCircArray() Dim iInputArray(3) As Integer iInputArray(1) = 1 iInputArray(2) = 2 iInputArray(3) = 3 Dim iArray2() As Integer iArray2 = RotateArrayRight(iInputArray) End Sub Function RotateArrayRight(ArrayToRotate) Dim objNewArray() As Integer, iOldArrayPos As Integer, iNewArrayPos As Integer, iArrayLength As Integer Dim iPlacesToRotate As Integer ‘ Check that the array to be … Read more

[Solved] How to perform Computations in Array list?

This is the sample answer .When I checked your question,I saw that I need to create one person class with name,accountNo,amount,accType,Date.When we check two array List to subtract,we need to find same AccountNo in both array.So we need to use contains method and I override equal and hashCode.My Sample Person class is just like: package … Read more

[Solved] How to make a dynamic array Fibonacci series java program? [closed]

You can combine the two examples, as such: Take the DynamicArrayOfInt class, and add the main method of the Fibonacci class. Insert a new statement at the beginning of the main method instantiating a DynamicArrayOfInt object, as such: DynamicArrayOfInt arr = new DynamicArrayOfInt(); Replace every instance of numbers[x] with arr.get(x), and instances of numbers[x] = … Read more