[Solved] Combine/Mix two lists of words [closed]

For a correct answer I would need to know what you are trying or how, but a solution for that problem is as simple as <?php $array1 = array(“make”, “break”, “buy”); $array2 = array(“home”, “car”, “bike”); foreach ($array1 as $i => $value) { foreach ($array2 as $j => $value2) { echo $value.’ ‘.$value2.'<br />’; } … Read more

[Solved] PHP array_merge combining arrays with same values

Arrays can contain repeated values but, for obvious reasons, cannot contain repeated keys. array_combine will overwrite the value corresponding to each duplicate key it finds. Assuming that all your serial numbers are unique, a simple solution would be to swap round your array_combine to make the serial number the key: foreach (array_combine($serial, $make) as $number … Read more

[Solved] Iterate through an array in a map in javascript

Open your browsers javascript console (press F12) to see the output in the demo. jsfiddle demo var keys = [“key1″,”key2″,”key3”] var data = { “key1”: { “target”: “hostname”, “datapoints”: [ [12, 1.42472334E9], [13, 1.424723355E9], [14, 1.42472337E9]]}, “key2”: { “target”: “hostname”, “datapoints”: [ [15, 1.42472334E9], [16, 1.424723355E9], [17, 1.42472337E9]]} } //loop through the array named keys … Read more

[Solved] Creating object using user input to store in Java array

Create a class student with variables for each of the fields: public class Student { public String strFirstName; public String strLastName; public String strMajor; public int intGPA; public int intUIN; public String strNetID; public String strAge; public String strGender; public static void Student(String strFirstName, String strLastName, String strMajor, int intGPA, int intUIN, String strNetID, String … Read more

[Solved] Combine Multiple rows from mysql array

You need to use a other array. <?php $lender = mysql_query(“Select * from lender where reference=”$reference””); $formated_lender = array(); while ($lenderrow=mysql_fetch_array($lender)) { $formated_lender = $lenderrow[“lender”] . ” ” . $lenderrow[“lenderref”] . ” ” . “£” . $lenderrow[“amount”]; } foreach ($formated_lender as $row) { echo $row . ‘<br />’; } Or, if you would just one … Read more

[Solved] Merging Object In Array In JavaScript if Conditions Are Met [closed]

Here is the steps which you need to follow. Create a new array for merged objects Iterate the array Find the item which you’re looking for merge with the existing object to the filtered object append to new object done. let json = [{“id”:191,”warehouse_id”:24,”ingredient_id”:65,”expiration_date”:”2019-07-31″,”available_stocks”:7,”ingredient”:{“id”:65,”name”:”erg”,”SKU”:”1000064″,”default_unit”:{“id”:26,”name”:”Milliliter”},”purchase_price”:50}},{“id”:192,”warehouse_id”:24,”ingredient_id”:66,”expiration_date”:”2019-09-18″,”available_stocks”:33994,”ingredient”:{“id”:66,”name”:”gvf”,”SKU”:”1000065″,”default_unit”:{“id”:27,”name”:”Gram”},”purchase_price”:60}},{“id”:193,”warehouse_id”:24,”ingredient_id”:67,”expiration_date”:”2019-09-19″,”available_stocks”:43996,”ingredient”:{“id”:67,”name”:”fwefe”,”SKU”:”1000066″,”default_unit”:{“id”:26,”name”:”Milliliter”},”purchase_price”:70}},{“id”:52,”outlet_item_id”:null,”warehouse_item_id”:191,”ingredient_id”:65,”quantity”:7,”total_in_lowest”:0,”stock_on_hand”:0,”adjustment_price”:0,”soh_total_in_lowest”:0,”unit_price”:50,”difference”:0,”difference_in_lowest”:0}]; // new array after merging the objects let desiredArray = []; … Read more

[Solved] When I compile this why doesn’t it print anything? [closed]

You never call your method “forloop()”, that’s the reason why there’s nothing printed. NewbieJavaDeveloper’s answer is a good one. But if you want to pactice “method and return”, here is another answer: import java.util.Scanner;//import scanner so user can input class arrays { public static void main(String[] param) { String[] animals = arrays(); forloop(animals); System.exit(0); } … Read more

[Solved] what is arr = [int(arr_temp) for arr_temp in input().strip().split(‘ ‘)] in python

You may want to look into python’s list comprehension. arr = [int(arr_temp) for arr_temp in input().strip().split(‘ ‘)] Let me answer this with an example, suppose you input : 1 3 4 29 12 -2 0 the input function reads this as a string The strip function eliminates whitespace from both ends of the string, The … Read more