[Solved] Java array what should i do in order to read from the array and display [closed]

you are trying to store the scanner input into the array. you should specify a separate variable. Arrays are zero-indexed, so when getting a value from array use ArrayName[someNumber] where someNumber refers to the element in the array. the first element starts at 0. int i = input.nextInt(); System.out.println(ColourOne[i]); solved Java array what should i … Read more

[Solved] (JAVA) I need help creating a class with getters and setters, creating a class with an array and then calling upon the other class. [closed]

Does this meet your question? public static void main(String[] args) { Student[] studentarr = new Student[5]; for(double i = 0; i < 5; i++); { studentarr[i] = new Student(params…); } studentarr[0].someStudentMethod(); } solved (JAVA) I need help creating a class with getters and setters, creating a class with an array and then calling upon the … Read more

[Solved] How to Parse an Array of Strings (JSON) – iOS?

use the following custom method -(NSArray *)stringArrayFromJsonFile:(NSString *)jsonFileName withKey:(NSString *)key { NSData *fileContents = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:jsonFileName ofType:@”json”]]; NSError *error; NSDictionary *dict = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:fileContents options:kNilOptions error:&error]; NSArray * stringArray = [dict objectForKey:key]; return stringArray; } now call that method like NSArray* stringArray = [self stringArrayFromJsonFile:@”yourJsonFileName” withKey:@”categories”]; 1 solved How to Parse an Array … Read more

[Solved] How to construct sub arrays from a main array

You mean like this?: $array = array( array(‘id’ => 1, ‘status’ => -1), array(‘id’ => 2, ‘status’ => 1), array(‘id’ => 3, ‘status’ => 2), array(‘id’ => 4, ‘status’ => 2), array(‘id’ => 5, ‘status’ => 2) ); $statuses = array(); foreach($array as $one){ if(!isset($statuses[$one[‘status’]])){ $statuses[$one[‘status’]] = 0; } $statuses[$one[‘status’]]++; } $newArray = array(); foreach($statuses … Read more

[Solved] How can i create dynamically allocated array In C [duplicate]

Assuming you have the number of rows “r” and the number of columns “c”, you can do this: int **arr; arr = malloc(r*sizeof(int*)); for(int i=0; i < r; i++) { arr[i] = malloc(c*sizeof(int)); } this dynamically allocates an array of pointers to integers, and then allocates arrays of integers to each pointer. Don’t forget to … Read more

[Solved] How do you show multiple markers in Google Maps using PHP from the database when searching?

The following is wholly untested! The Object Orientated style of using mySQLi is considerably less verbose than the procedural style and alas your code is vulnerable to SQL injection due to the use of POST data directly used within the SQL statement. You should consider using Prepared Statements to mitigate this threat. It appears that … Read more

[Solved] Not able to get sum of array in C#

Your error is from these lines: Console.WriteLine(rea.ReadLine()); ad.Add(Int32.Parse(rea.ReadLine())); What’s happening is you are getting the count of the number of lines in the file. Say your file has 10 lines. When the loop reaches the last line and you call ReadLine method in Console.WriteLine(rea.ReadLine());, it returns the last line. But then you call Readline method … Read more