[Solved] Dynamically allocated C array suddenly getting modified [closed]

At least this statement array->values = realloc(array->values, array->capacity); shall be rewritten like array->values = realloc(array->values, array->capacity * sizeof( Value ) ); Though it would be more safer to use an intermediate pointer like for example Value *tmp = realloc(array->values, array->capacity * sizeof( Value ) ); if ( tmp != NULL ) { array->values = tmp; … Read more

[Solved] malloc: *** error for object 0x147606ac0: pointer being realloc’d was not allocated

The function is not updating the caller’s value of client_details, you need one more level of pointer: void func(struct client_detail **client_details,int *size){ *client_details = realloc(*client_details, (*size + 1) * sizeof(**client_details)); *size = *size + 1; } int main() { struct group_detail *group_details = malloc(0 * sizeof(*group_details)); struct client_detail *client_details = malloc(1 * sizeof(*client_details)); int size … Read more

[Solved] malloc: *** error for object 0x147606ac0: pointer being realloc’d was not allocated

Introduction The malloc: *** error for object 0x147606ac0: pointer being realloc’d was not allocated is a common error encountered when attempting to reallocate memory in C programming. This error occurs when a pointer is passed to the realloc() function, but the pointer was not allocated with malloc() or calloc() beforehand. This error can be caused … Read more

[Solved] How can i create dynamically allocated array In C [duplicate]

Assuming you have the number of rows “r” and the number of columns “c”, you can do this: int **arr; arr = malloc(r*sizeof(int*)); for(int i=0; i < r; i++) { arr[i] = malloc(c*sizeof(int)); } this dynamically allocates an array of pointers to integers, and then allocates arrays of integers to each pointer. Don’t forget to … Read more

[Solved] Exception thrown: read access violation. **dynamicArray** was 0x1118235. occurred

There are multiple issues with your program. Let me list all of them one by one. As mentioned in one of the comments, You are immediately deallocating memory just after you allocated it. Definitely this will result in a segmentation fault or memory access violation when you access deallocated memory. When you allocate the memory … Read more

[Solved] Why does the top code work and the bottom code not in c++ for dynamic matrix allocation? [closed]

Remarks: You do not free allocated memory by using delete[]. That’s a very bad practice. You always should remember to free memory you allocated. It is very, very uncomfortable to choose jagged arrays (arrays of arrays) for long term use. A lot easier solution is to allocate a single array: double * phi = new … Read more

[Solved] Exception thrown at 0x0F640E09 (ucrtbased.dll) in ConsoleApplication5.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x014C3000?

Exception thrown at 0x0F640E09 (ucrtbased.dll) in ConsoleApplication5.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x014C3000? solved Exception thrown at 0x0F640E09 (ucrtbased.dll) in ConsoleApplication5.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x014C3000?