[Solved] C++ object reference corruption [closed]

I have no idea why, but changing the access specifier here: protected: D3DDraw m_cDraw; DXInput m_cInput; To public solved the problem, it’s a hack but I’m okay with that 😀 Thanks anyway for attempting to help solved C++ object reference corruption [closed]

[Solved] How can I do my data consistent in java [closed]

It looks like you’re not trying to make it “unique” but, like the title says “consistent.” This is difficult to do. What you need to do is parse the data, allowing for different types of identifying strings. For example, for house, it looks like you want to accept “Ho. #”, “h no.”, and “h#”. Once … Read more

[Solved] Database login failed [closed]

You are using integrated security, which means that the user who is running your program needs to have the relevant access permissions on the database. If you are running the program interactively (e.g., it is not a service), then YOU need the access permissions, that is, the account that you used to log into Windows … Read more

[Solved] not working js script

put all in document ready handler and see if helps: <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js”></script> <script type=”text/javascript”> jQuery(function($){ var prev = ”; $(‘#zzz img’).click(function(){ if (prev != ”) $(‘#img_’ + prev).css(‘border’, ‘1px solid #eee’); prev = $(this).attr(‘id’).replace(‘img_’, ”); $(this).css(‘border’, ‘1px solid #535666’); $(‘#imgid’).val(prev); }); }); </script> Hoping that you are having jQuery plugin loaded before this script. solved … Read more

[Solved] Change database value [closed]

you can use xmlhttprequest, and the javascript : var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); // Create new XHR var url=”http://sample.com/change.php”; // The url var data=”data=sample&back=come”; xhr.open(‘POST’, url, true); // POST is method you can with `POST|GET` xhr.send(data); or it can be simplifer with jquery var url=”http://sample.com/change.php”; // The url var data=”data=sample&back=come”; $.post(url,data,function(callback){ alert(callback); }); and sure … Read more

[Solved] Iterate through Month name

If your DateFormat is always be going to like Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 then you can try to use the ParseExact to convert it to the DateTime and then apply the SUM on it to get the result you want. var result = dataList.Where(x => DateTime.ParseExact(x.monthName, “MMM-yy”, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) > DateTime.ParseExact(“Mar-15”, “MMM-yy”, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) .Sum(x … Read more

[Solved] Which references am I missing?

You seem to be confusing the ExcelPackage project and the EPPlus project. I can see how as they share namespaces and class names (I don’t know the history of either to know if they’re related or not). You have a reference to the ExcelPackage dll in your example. The ExcelWorksheet class there doesn’t have a … Read more

[Solved] java hashcode and equals [duplicate]

Java class has default hashCode and equals method method implemented through super class. If u want to over ride them u can by following: class MyOb { private String name; private Integer quality; private final int MAXIMUM = 23; @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = … Read more

[Solved] Images not loading from folder [closed]

you need to use javascript and either preload all of the images, or use AJAX and call the image to be loaded. This is because all php is executed on the server (server side script) and needs refreshing before it is sent to the browser. use a client side script (javascript) to execute it in … Read more