[Solved] How to get the drive letter of a drive with a specific drive name on Windows? [closed]

A batch file code for copying the folder IMPDoc from drive on which the batch file is stored to a drive with volume name Files is: @echo off setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion for /F “skip=1″ %%I in (‘%SystemRoot%\System32\wbem\wmic.exe LOGICALDISK where VolumeName^=”Files” GET DeviceID 2^>nul’) do ( %SystemRoot%\System32\robocopy.exe “%~d0\IMPDoc” “%%I\IMPDoc” /R:1 /W:1 /NDL /NFL /NJH /NJS goto … Read more

[Solved] In main sheet there is 800 names(A1:A800). Each cell should go to different sheet with an order. First cell to first sheet etc [closed]

If I am seeing what you are trying to do, it shouldn’t be too hard. You could hardcode a for loop to 800. for i = 2 to 800 Range(“A”&i).Copy Destination:=Sheets(i).Range(“A” & i) next This is similar albeit a bit more involved solved In main sheet there is 800 names(A1:A800). Each cell should go to … Read more

[Solved] crawl and copy another sites content

I am not sure about your question, but I think you want to do scrapping. Using PHP, you can use cURL for instance. That will load an URL and, with DOM you will be able to parse HTML and find content, links etc you want. solved crawl and copy another sites content

[Solved] Macro in Excel to Copy a Worksheet (by referencing every cell)

If you want to avoid the clipboard may I suggest R1C1 formula format: Sub fillsheet() Dim ows As Worksheet Dim tws As Worksheet Dim rng As Range Set ows = Worksheets(“Sheet1”) Set tws = Worksheets(“Sheet2”) Set rng = ows.UsedRange tws.Range(rng.Address()).FormulaR1C1 = “='” & ows.Name & “‘!RC” End Sub 1 solved Macro in Excel to Copy … Read more